(A) The following list constitutes the official street tree species for the city.
(B) No species other than those acceptable according to this list may be planted as street trees without written permission of the Tree Board.
Trees Acceptable for Planting (Bold = Native to Kentucky) |
Trees Acceptable for Planting (Bold = Native to Kentucky) |
LARGE TREES (75 feet high and up) |
Basswood |
Beech, American |
Beech, European |
Birch, Sweet (aka Birch, Black; oka Birch, Cherry) |
Birch, Yellow |
Buckeye, Ohio |
Buckeye, Yellow |
Catalpa |
Cherry, Black |
Coffee Tree, Kentucky (seedless cultivars or males only, the Kentucky State Heritage Tree) |
Cucumber-Tree (Magnolia Acuminata) |
Cypress, Bald |
Cypress, Pond |
Elm, American (Dutch Elm Disease Resistant cultivars only) |
Elm, Chinese |
Fir, White |
Gingko (males only should be planted) |
Gum, Black (aka Tupelo, Black) |
Hickory, Bitternut |
Hickory, Mockernut |
Hickory, Shagbark |
Hickory, Shellbark |
Holly, American |
Locust, Black |
Maple, Norway (High Pollen Potential) |
Maple, Sugar (Use discretion in planting due to area over-planting) |
Oak, Black |
Oak, Bur |
Oak, Cherrybark |
Oak, Chestnut |
Oak, Chinkapin |
Oak, English |
Oak, Northern Red |
Oak, Pin (Pin Oak) (not recommended because locally over-planted) |
Oak, Post |
Oak, Scarlet |
Oak, Shingle |
Oak, Shumard |
Oak, Southern Red |
Oak, Swamp White |
Oak, Water |
Oak, White |
Oak, Willow |
Persimmon |
Pine, Eastern White |
Pine, Shortleaf |
Planetree, London |
Poplar, Yellow (aka Tulip Poplar, the Kentucky State Tree) |
Sassafras |
Spruce, Blue |
Spruce, Oriental |
Spruce, Serbian |
Sweetgum (Rotundiloba or Platanus occidentalis - seedless cultivars or males only) |
Sycamore (High Pollen Potential) |
Tupelo, Black (aka Gum, Black; previous national “Tree of the Year”) |
Walnut, Black |
Zelkova |
MEDIUM TREES (35 to 75 feet high) |
Alder, European Black (aka Alder, Black) |
Birch, River (highly susceptible to ice and snow damage and recommended only for moist areas; should be carefully considered) |
Cedar, Eastern Red |
Cherry, Higan |
Cherry, Japanese Flowering |
Cherry, Sargent |
Chestnut Horse |
Corktree, Amur |
Elm, Lacebark |
Elm, Slippery |
Elm, Winged |
Falsecypress, Honiki |
Filbert Turkish |
Golden Rain Tree (aka Golden Raintree) |
Holly, European |
Holly, Fosters |
Honeylocust; Thornless |
Hophornbeam |
Hornbeam, American |
Hornbeam, European |
Hornbeam, Japanese |
Katsura Tree |
Linden, Littleleaf |
Linden, Silver |
Maple, Amur |
Maple, Hedge |
Maple, Red (Use discretion in planting due to area over-planting) |
Mulberry, Red (High Pollen Potential) |
Parrotia, Persian |
Pear, Cleveland Select Pear |
Redwood, Dawn |
Sassafras |
Silverbell, Carolina |
Sourwood |
Yellowwood |
Willow, Black |
SMALL TREES (15 to 35 feet high) |
Arborvitae, American |
Arborvitae, Oriental |
Buckeye |
Cherry, Yoshino |
Crabapple (newer, resistant cultivars only) |
Crapemyrtle |
Dogwood, American |
Dogwood, Kousa |
Filbert, American |
Filbert, European |
Fringetree, Chinese |
Fringetree, White |
Hally Jolivette |
Hawthorn (newer, resistant cultivars only) |
Lilac, Japanese Tree Lilac |
Magnolia, Japanese |
Magnolia, Star |
Magnolia, Sweetbay |
Maple, Hedge |
Maple, Japanese |
Maple, Paperbark |
Maple, Tatarian |
Maple, Trident |
Pawpaw |
Possumhaw |
Redbud |
Red Cherry |
Serviceberry |
Viburnum |
Whitecedar, Atlantic (aka White-Cedar, Atlantic) |
Witchhazel |
(Ord. 12-04, passed 10-8-2012)