(A)   A living, dying, or dead tree or limb or shrub on a right-of-way, or adjacent to a right-of-way but on private property, may be declared a public nuisance by the city if it obstructs street lights, traffic signs, or the free and safe passage of pedestrians and vehicles, or poses a hazard to life or property. A representative of the Tree Board may meet with the property owner to discuss such a tree, and the city may give notice to the property owner to remedy such nuisance at the owner’s expense.
   (B)   A living, dying, or dead tree or limb or shrub on a right-of-way, or anywhere on private property, that harbors an infestation or fungus or disease which the City Arborist determines is a contagious communicable threat to other trees within the city, may be declared a public nuisance by the city. Owners are encouraged to report such nuisances to the city. A representative of the Tree Board may meet with the property owner to discuss such a nuisance. The city may give notice to the property owner that it intends to remediate such nuisance for the owner at city expense, and proceed to do so. The owner shall cooperate with the city’s remediation. Remediation may include various measures as determined by the City Arborist, such as spraying, injecting, trimming, or removing.
(Ord. 12-04, passed 10-8-2012)