A City budget finally adopted for the following fiscal year becomes effective July 1 and constitutes the City appropriation for each program and purpose specified therein until amended as provided by this section.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.18)
1. Program Increase. Any increase in the amount appropriated to a program must be prepared, adopted, and subject to protest in the same manner as the original budget.
(IAC, 545-2.2[384, 388])
2. Program Transfer. Any transfer of appropriation from one program to another must be prepared, adopted, and subject to protest in the same manner as the original budget.
(IAC, 545-2.3[384, 388])
3. Activity Transfers. Any transfer of appropriation from one activity to another activity within a program must be approved by resolution of the Council.
(IAC, 545-2.4[384, 388])
4. Administrative Transfers. The Finance Director shall have the authority to adjust, by transfer or otherwise, the appropriations allocated within a specific activity without prior Council approval.
(IAC, 545-2.4[384, 388])