In the instance that this Zoning Code provides for creative subdivisions, the City may authorize such subdivisions to allow for greater flexibility in the design and development of subdivisions, in order to produce innovative residential environments, to provide for more efficient use of land, to protect topographic and to encourage the preservation of common area and open space. These special regulations and design exceptions apply only to creative subdivisions.
1. Site Area Per Unit. Unless otherwise provided, the site area per unit for a creative subdivision as a whole shall be that of the zoning district in which such subdivision is located. For the purpose of computing site area per unit, the area of public streets and private ways within the subdivision must be excluded. Residential use types may be combined within the creative subdivision provided that the subdivision as a whole complies with the required maximum density of the zoning district.
2. Perimeter Yards. Structures must maintain normal street yard setbacks from any public streets that form the perimeter of the development. Structures must maintain a 20-foot minimum side yard setback from any property line that forms the boundary of the development.
3. Area and Yards for Individual Lots.
A. Individual lots within a creative subdivision are exempt from minimum lot area or yard setback requirements set forth elsewhere in this Zoning Code, unless provided for by the regulations for a specific zoning district. A creative subdivision must be planned and developed as a common development. A minimum separation of 20 feet shall be established for all residential structures not attached to one another, unless the City Council grants a specific exception for developments proposing unique circumstances, only in as much as said development can be demonstrated to avoid detriment to the City’s efforts to protect public health, safety, welfare, community character, property values and aesthetics.
B. Any private garage oriented to or facing a public street or private way internal to the creative subdivision must be set back a minimum of 25 feet from that public street or private way.
4. Coverage and Landscaping Requirements. Individual lots in a creative subdivision are exempt from maximum building and impervious coverage limitations and street yard landscaping requirements established for the zoning district. However, the subdivision as a whole, including streets, walks, and access ways, must comply with the building and impervious coverage regulations for its zoning district.