1. Sites shall be designed with delineated sidewalks, walkways, and paths to provide continuous circulation throughout the site connecting principal structures, dwelling units, parking areas, parking garages, and other prominent features. Pedestrian connection(s) shall be made between the internal circulation system and the adjacent public sidewalk or trail systems. The site shall be organized so that the buildings frame and reinforce pedestrian circulation between lots.
2. Sites shall be designed to limit the number of pedestrian and motorist conflict points.
3. Sidewalks in designated areas shall be of a sufficient width to accommodate outdoor seating areas for cafes, pedestrian street furniture, walkways, and street trees. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of six (6) feet unless specifically exempted by the Administrative Official or other Administrative Official.
4. Developments shall provide breaks between buildings at mid-block and shall have pedestrian amenities such as walkways, benches, etc.
5. Any pedestrian paths which cross internal drives shall be constructed to visually contrast to provide a highly visible crosswalk.
6. Enhanced pedestrian elements at the sidewalk level including decorative lighting, seating or low sitting walls, planters, enhanced paving techniques, etc., shall be incorporated into the theme.
7. To promote a higher level of pedestrian awareness, the use of alternate paving materials to designate pedestrian traffic areas from vehicular use areas and travel lanes is required. Mere cuts in the concrete will not be sufficient to meet the requirements of this section.
8. Common walls between residential and nonresidential uses shall be constructed to minimize the transmission of noise and vibration.
9. On-site bicycle parking shall be provided and in a location that is easily accessible, but non-intrusive to sidewalk areas or building entries.
10. Parking and refuse containers shall be placed in a convenient location for the residential units of mixed-use buildings and shall be enclosed with wooden or masonry structure.