1. Parking areas shall consist of separated parking fields that are aesthetically pleasing, landscaped to screen the public views and located so as not to be the dominant feature along any street or intersection, with appropriate landscaping and landscaping pods and units as set out in subsection 170.17 of this section.
2. Parking structures and lots shall be designed to contribute to an attractive appearance of the streetscape, including appropriate lighting, and not deter from the pedestrian access.
3. Parking should be as unobtrusive as possible. As a whole, the massing and details of the building shall dominate the streetscape; not parking.
4. Structured parking shall provide pedestrian access to both the street level and multistory residential or retail.
5. Shared parking between mixed uses is encouraged.
6. Seasonal overflow parking shall be located in the rear of the lot or in an off-site private/public co-use of spaces and should be considered with parking spaces within a one block distance counting towards the minimum parking space requirements of the development.
7. Consideration will be given for the reduction of parking requirements if the applicant can provide data that indicates potential parking demand that is less than the current code. The applicant may use shared parking to reduce the number of required stalls.
8. Parking shall be located to utilize natural landscape and topography.
9. The design of all parking lots shall permit the travel of the Fire Department’s vehicle access requirements.
10. Pedestrian travel ways shall be separated from vehicular traffic with landscaping, bollards made of materials complimenting the architectural style of the project, special paving, or any other feature, which identifies the pedestrian space.
11. Developers shall give special consideration to parking lots using permeable paving alternatives such as those paving systems designed to infiltrate and capture storm water. Such alternatives may be required as part of the site plan approval.