1. This chapter is applicable to all subdivision or site plan applications meeting the minimum square foot applicability criteria of Subsection 2 of this section, unless eligible for an exemption or granted a waiver by the City under Section 161.07 of this chapter. This chapter also applies to land disturbance activities that are smaller than the minimum square foot applicability criteria specified in Subsection 2 if such activities are part of a larger common plan of development that meets the minimum square foot applicability criteria specified in Subsection 2, even though multiple separate and distinct land development activities may take place at different times on different schedules. In addition, all plans must also be reviewed by an engineer hired by the City to ensure that established water quality standards will be maintained during and after development of the site and that post-construction runoff levels are consistent with any local and regional watershed plans. The following activities are exempt from this chapter:
A. Any logging and agricultural activity which is consistent with an approved soil conservation plan or a timber management plan prepared or approved by the appropriate agency, as applicable.
B. Additions or modifications to existing single-family structures.
C. Repairs to any storm water BMPs deemed necessary by the City.
2. City storm water requirements must be met for development or redevelopment to be approved. Final authorization of all development and redevelopment projects shall be determined after a review by the City. City storm water requirements apply to any development and redevelopment meeting at least one of the following:
A. Any redevelopment adding more than 10,000 square feet of new impervious surface but disturbing less than 50% of the site shall provide stormwater management at the Water Quality Volume standard and shall meet the Channel Protection standard or demonstrate why doing so is infeasible. This threshold is a cumulative amount of new square footage and may be reached over time in increments.
B. Any redevelopment disturbing 50% or more of a site shall be required to meet the same stormwater management standards as a new development. This threshold is a cumulative amount of new square footage and may be reached over time in increments.
C. New Development. Any new development of land adding more than 10,000 square feet of new impervious surface shall provide stormwater management as outlined above. This threshold is a cumulative amount of new square footage and may be reached over time in increments. At such time that a development site exceeds 10,000 cumulative square feet of new impervious surface the site will be required to come into compliance with this ordinance.
D. Land disturbing activity exceeding 25,000 square feet in area where the existing land is being redeveloped.
3. When a site development plan is submitted that qualifies as a development, as defined in this chapter, decisions on permitting any appropriate on-site BMPs shall be guided by the SUDAS Design Manual. Final authorization of all development and redevelopment projects will be determined after a review by City.