The purpose of this ordinance is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the City of Windsor Heights, and to ensure compliance with the following goals in accordance with the City of Windsor Heights Complete Street Policy passed on July 6, 2015:
1. Promoting the safety of pedestrian access, movement, and protection for the physically able, physically challenged, children or seniors (or variously-abled) within the community;
2. Ensuring that the ADA guidelines are met for all sidewalk or pathway installations, existing and proposed;
3. Promoting attractive and well-constructed sidewalks or pathways that correspond to the character, aesthetic qualities, natural, environmental, and historical features of developing or existing neighborhoods;
4. Connecting to existing and projected sidewalks or pathways whenever the opportunity arises to insure an interconnected pedestrian system;
5. Ensuring that all development actively implements the building of sidewalks or pathways for new construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation.