1. Before commencing any extension or expansion of its Utility system, or any major repair work, or the installation of any new system in the City’s public rights-of-way or public property, the applicant shall file with the City a written statement verifying the public rights-of-way or public property under which or upon which it proposes to extend, expand, install or repair its system. The City shall require that the statement be accompanied by a map, plan or specifications showing the proposed location of the system components with reference to streets and alleys, the size and dimensions of all public utilities, and the distance beneath the surface of the ground.
2. All existing public utilities must be shown on the map, plan or specifications. If the proposed locations of any facilities shall interfere with the reasonable and proper use, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of any public improvements or any existing or future public utility system component, or other structure upon or under public property, the City shall within a reasonable time after the filing of such plan, map or specifications, note the changes necessary, eliminate all interference with a public improvement or existing City owned public utility system facility and refer the same back to the utility business for amendment.
3. Maps, plans or specifications, when properly changed and corrected, shall be filed with the City and, after the approval of the same by the City, a permit shall be issued authorizing utility business to proceed in accordance with the approved maps, plans or specifications.
4. No such excavation, construction or erection shall be commenced before the issuance of the permit herein provided for, unless it is an emergency as described in section 135.07, and all work shall be in accordance with the approved maps, plans or specifications, or work being performed by a licensed franchise not requiring a permit.