1. Keep a dog determined to be dangerous or potentially dangerous without a valid certificate of registration issued under Section 56.06 of this chapter.
2. Permit a potentially dangerous dog to be outside a proper enclosure unless the potentially dangerous dog is properly leashed as defined in Section 56.01 of this chapter.
3. Fail to maintain a dangerous dog exclusively on the owner’s property as required except for medical treatment or examination, or permit a dangerous dog to be outside of proper confinement without being properly leashed and muzzled or caged for transportation. When removed from the owner’s property for medical treatment or examination, the dangerous dog shall be caged or under the control of a responsible person as defined in Section 56.01, muzzled and restrained with a substantial leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length. The muzzle shall be made in a manner that will not cause injury to the dog or obscure its vision or interfere with its respiration but shall prevent it from biting any human being or animal.
4. Permit a dangerous or potentially dangerous dog to be tied or leashed to inanimate objects such as trees, posts, buildings, or any other object or structure.
5. Fail to notify law enforcement or the Animal Control Officer immediately in person or by telephone upon escape if a dangerous or potentially dangerous dog is on the loose, is unconfined, has attacked another domestic animal, or has attacked a human being.
6. Fail to notify, within three business days, the Animal Control Officer or the organization authorized to enforce this chapter of a change of address or telephone number of the owner of the dangerous or potentially dangerous dog.
7. Fail to notify, within three business days, the Animal Control Officer or the organization authorized to enforce this chapter if the dangerous or potentially dangerous dog has died and the whereabouts of the dead dog.
8. Fail to notify, within one business day, the Animal Control Officer or the organization authorized to enforce this chapter with the name, address, and telephone number of a new owner of the dangerous or potentially dangerous dog if the dog has been sold or has been given away.
9. Fail to surrender a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog to the Animal Control Officer or the organization authorized to enforce this chapter for impoundment and confinement, pending a disposition of the case when there is a reason to believe that the dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog may pose a threat to public safety.