(a)    The position of Village Administrator is hereby established in compliance with Section 735.271, 735.272, 735.273 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   (b)   The position of Village Administrator shall incorporate the powers and duties provided in the Ohio Revised Code. 
   (c)   The Fiscal Officer and the part-time Water/Sewer Clerk of the Village of Windham shall act as the Clerks for the Village Administrator when performing duties related to the Village Administrator’s position.
      (1)   The Clerks of the Village Administrator shall be responsible to keep and maintain all correspondence of the Village Administrator.  Such responsibilities shall be under the general supervision and direction of the Village Administrator who may make bylaws and regulations as he/she deems necessary for efficient management.  The Fiscal Officer will supervise the part-time Water/Sewer Clerk in the absence of the Village Administrator. 
(Ord. 1534.  Passed 4-3-01.)