(A) Application for a permit of occupancy shall be made to the Town Council by the owner of the lot or parcel of land on which such unit is to be placed. The application shall contain the following information:
(1) Owner of land;
(2) Owner of unit;
(3) Drawing of land drawn to scale, showing proposed location of unit;
(4) Description of unit (make, model, size, and year);
(5) Availability of water and sanitary facilities;
(6) Adjacent roadways or alleys; and
(7) Adjacent land owners.
(B) Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of $50 for such permit or certificate of occupancy, if granted, and a deposit to cover the cost of legal advertising and related expenses.
(C) Upon receipt of such application, the Town Clerk/Treasurer shall advertise that a public hearing will be held, and this matter considered, at the next regular meeting of the Town Council. Upon approval by such Council, the Clerk/Treasurer shall issue a permit or certificate of occupancy to the applicant.
(D) In order to be considered at a regularly scheduled Town Council meeting, an application must be received in the office of the Clerk/Treasurer not later than 14 working days prior to the date of the scheduled meeting at which the applicant wishes to have the application reviewed.
(Ord. 2008-03, passed 6- -2008)