(A)   A person or persons who seeks to keep on their property four to seven dogs shall apply for a kennel license with the Town Council or its designee. Prior to the issuance of the license, a public hearing must be held with a certified mailing of notice 30 days prior to the hearing to neighbors on the north, south, east, and west of the applicant setting forth the applicant’s request, name, address, and telephone number. Neighbors across the street and across an alley are to be included. In addition, a sign furnished by the town with dimensions of three-feet by four-feet shall be placed and kept in the front yard notifying all neighbors of the application for a kennel license and the date and time of the hearing. It shall be the duty of the applicant to inform the Council of his or her plan to eliminate noise, which would be in violation of any municipal ordinance, the elimination of any noxious odor, and the method for animal waste disposal. The Town Council or its designee shall only issue such permit if there are no objections from the neighbors. Any kennel license permit issued shall be subject to revocation by the Town Council or its designee in the event of any future neighbor complaints.
   (B)   An annual kennel license shall be required, in addition to the individual dog registration, for any person or harborer of more that three dogs residing in the town. The kennel license shall be registered by the Police Department not later than March 15, as provided here. Each animal in an approved kennel must also have its own registration and rabies tags.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, or maintain more than three dogs in excess of six months of age upon any premises or property or in any dwelling or living quarters of any type within the town unless said dogs live in quarters that are approved by the Police Department or its designee, and said persons are in compliance with zoning standards and the animal care standards set forth in Section 3-20 are met and subject to the provisions of Section 3.3(a) and (b.)
      (1)   The Police Department or its designee shall not register or issue tags on more than three dogs that are kept upon any premises or property, or in any dwelling or living quarters of any type within the town until an inspection has been completed and a favorable decision rendered.
      (2)   The inspection process will be completed every six months after the initial application.
      (3)   The fee for each inspection shall be $100.
      (4)   If the authorized inspection is administered by an incorporated Humane Society, then the Humane Society is entitled to retain the fee.
      (5)   (a)   Each kennel owner shall be charged an inspection fee of $100 for each inspection which shall be payable at the time of application for the inspection.
         (b)   Any deficiencies on the part of the kennel owner or owners shall be corrected within ten days after the inspection and before the kennel license will be issued.
      (6)   Enclosures must be provided which shall allow adequate protection against weather extremes. Floors of buildings, runs, and walls shall be of a material to permit proper cleaning and disinfecting.
      (7)   Building temperature shall be maintained at a comfortable level. Adequate ventilation shall be maintained.
      (8)   Each animal shall have sufficient space to stand up, lie down, and turn around in a natural position without touching the sides or the top of the cages.
      (9)   Cages are to be of material and construction that permit cleaning and sanitizing.
      (10)   An annual kennel license shall be required subject to the provisions of Section 3.3(a) and (b), in addition to the individual dog registration, for any owner or harborer of more than three dogs residing in the town. The kennel shall be registered by the Police Department not later than March 15, as provided herein. Each animal in an approved kennel must also have its own tags. The maximum total number of dogs allowed under this section shall be seven, which includes the maximum number of three allowed without a kennel license.
(Ord. 2008-01, passed - -) Penalty, see § 91.99