(A) The Mayor, Clerk-Treasurer, Chief of the Police Department, Chief of the Fire Department, Head of the Parks Department, Head of the Street Department, and Head of the Waste Water Treatment Plant, or other such employee as may be designated by the Clerk-Treasurer, (hereinafter "city employee" or "elected official") shall be entitled to obtain such credit cards as may be necessary to allow them to perform more efficiently the duties assigned them.
(B) Application for credit cards for any city employee or elected official shall be made by the Clerk-Treasurer or authorized by the Clerk-Treasurer, and the monthly statements to be received pursuant to such credit card agreement shall utilize the address of the department of the city employee or elected official holding the credit card.
(C) The city employee or elected official shall be responsible to verify the charges presented as correct, reconcile accounts, and provide the Clerk-Treasurer with the following:
(1) The line item from which the purchase is to be paid.
(2) An itemized list of all charges incurred and whether those are paid from different budget lines.
(D) Charges shall only be made on the credit card for the business of the city to purchase items or services that are authorized and budgeted in the budget of the city.
(E) The city employee or elected official shall submit to the Clerk-Treasurer all credit card billing statements in a timely manner to avoid incurring any interest, carrying charges, or penalties.
(F) All credit card billing statements shall be sent by the city employee or elected official to the Clerk-Treasurer, and the charges on the credit cards shall be paid by the Clerk-Treasurer from the appropriate budget line item pursuant to the claim procedures of the city.
(G) The Clerk-Treasurer shall pay the expenses charged on the credit cards in such a fashion as to avoid the payment of any interest, carrying charges, or penalties.
(H) Any interest, carrying charges, or penalties incurred due to a failure by the city employee or elected official to supply the Clerk-Treasurer billing statements in a timely manner shall be applied against the respective budget of the affected department.
(I) No credit card issued to the city for any city employee or elected official shall be used by any person for a private purchase.
(J) The maximum limit of the credit card shall be the sum of $5,000 for each credit card.
(Ord. 2005-2, passed 2-7-05)