(A)   The Fire Chief and his assistant shall be, during the time or continuance or any fire within the city limits, clothed with police powers and with the powers of peace officers and shall have the right, during the time of fires within the city limits, to preserve peace and good order, and suppress riots, prevent thefts and to arrest, on sight, any person or persons violating any of the criminal laws of the state, or any ordained of the city.
   (B)   Every person who shall be present at any fire shall be subject to the orders of the Chief of the Fire Department and his assistants and shall obey all orders given him by such officers for the purpose or extinguishing such fires, or in aiding to save property from destruction or injury, and such person shall obey all orders given him by such officers with relation to the management and control of the fire and in saving property from destruction by fire and shall render all the assistance within their power under the orders and directions of the Chief and his assistants and shall not willfully offer any hindrance to any officer or firefighter in the performance of his duty at or going to any fire. All bystanders at any fire who are unemployed or whose assistance is not needed shall remove to and remain at such distance from such fire as the Chief or his assistants may prescribe.
(Ord. 217, passed 6-2-1807) Penalty, see § 34.99