(A)   All property owners within the corporate limits of the city shall be required and be financially responsible for the removal, cutting, or disposal and elimination of weeds, grasses and rank vegetation or other uncontrolled plant growth on their property, which at the time of notice, is in excess of eight inches in average height, and in no event, exceeds 12 inches maximum height on at least 20% of the surface area of the property.
   (B)   City Council may establish conservation/restoration districts within the corporate boundaries of the city. Districts may be adopted on request of the property owner.
   (C)   Granting a conservation/restoration district does not relieve the property owner of the responsibility of removing weeds, rank vegetation, and other uncontrolled plant growth from his/her property.
   (D)   Conservation/restoration districts may be considered for any property in excess of five acres that is zoned or contiguous to property which is zoned: A-L Agricultural Limited, as defined in the Unified Zoning Ordinance of Randolph County, Indiana. If the property owner requests a conservation/restoration district, the owner must petition, in writing, the City Council. The City Council shall hold a public hearing on any such request. Prior to the public hearing, the petitioner shall notify all abutting property owners or other property owners within 150 feet of the petitioner's property by certified/registered mail stating the time, date, and purpose of the public hearing. The City Council may establish any other parameters it deems appropriate for the granting of such an exception. The City Council may, it its sole and absolute discretion, deny or revoke the request at any time. This exception is non-transferrable to future property owners.
(Ord. 2004-22, passed 8-30-04; Am. Ord. 2010-18, passed 12-20-10) Penalty, see § 10.99