It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant, or person having control or management of any land with the city to permit a public nuisance to develop thereon. The following conditions are declared to be public nuisances:
   (A)   Dangerous trees or stacks adjoining street. Any tree, stack or other object standing such a condition that it will, if the condition is allowed to continue, endanger the life, limb or property of, or cause hurt, damage or injury to persons or property upon the public streets, or public ways adjacent thereto, by the falling thereof or of parts thereof.
   (B)   Accumulation of rubbish. An accumulation on any premises of filth, refuse, trash, garbage or other waste material which endangers the public health, welfare, or safety, or materially interferes with a peaceful enjoyment by owners or occupants of adjacent property because of the danger that it will catch or communicate fire, attract and propagate vermin, rodents, or insects or blow rubbish into any street, sidewalk or property of another.
   (C)   Noxious odors or smoke. Emission into the surrounding atmosphere or odor, dust or smoke or other matter which renders ordinary use or physical occupation of other property in the vicinity uncomfortable or impossible.
   (D)   Noise. Emission of noise which is noxious enough to destroy the enjoyment of dwellings or other uses of property in the vicinity by interfering with the ordinary comforts of human existence.
   (E)   Weeds. The existence of thistles, burdock, jimson weeds, ragweeds, milkweeds, poison ivy, poison oak, iron weeds, and all other noxious weeds, rank vegetation and grass in excess of a height of eight inches.
   (F)   Open Wells. The maintenance of any open, uncovered, or insecurely covered cistern, cellar, well, pit, excavation, or vault situated upon private premises in any open or unfenced lot or place.
   (G)   Trees and shrubbery obstructing streets and sidewalks. The growing and maintenance of trees with less than 14 feet clearance over streets or less than 8 feet over sidewalks, or the growing and maintenance of shrubbery in excess of 20 feet from the point where the curb line of any street intersects with the curb line of another street. No shrub shall be planted between the curb line and the property line of any street within a radius of 20 feet from the point where the curb line of any street intersects with the curb line of another street.
   (H)   Keeping of animals. The failure to keep an animal's pen, yard, lot or other enclosure in a sanitary condition and free from preventable offensive odors.
   (I)   Any building that has been damaged by fire or other casualty to such an extent that, following such fire or other casualty it ceased to be occupied and such building has remained unoccupied for a period of six months from the date of said fire or casualty or such building has been unoccupied for a period of one year and has become an attractive nuisance.
(Ord. 91-3, passed 5-20-91; Am. Ord. 2000-8, passed 8-21-00; Am. Ord. 2004-22, passed 8-30-04)