For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALARM BUSINESS. Any individual, partnership, corporation, or other entity who sells, leases, maintains, services, repairs, alters, replaces, moves, or installs any alarm system or causes to be done in or on any building, structure, facility, or grounds.
   ALARM SYSTEMS. A fire alarm system that detects a fire condition and automatically actuates a fire alarm device or causes to be actuated a fire alarm signal that summons a response from the Fire Department.
   FALSE ALARM. An event in which Fire Department personnel response was the result of notification to the Fire Department of a fire condition and upon arrival no fire condition existed.
   MITIGATE. To take action to reduce the hazard.
   SPILL. Any unexpected, unintentional, or unapproved dumping, discharge, or other loss of oil, hazardous or otherwise objectionable substance that damages or threatens to damage the public health, safety and welfare.
(Ord. 93-6, passed 4-19-93)