(A)   Violation. Whoever injures, destroys or permits to be injured or destroyed any meter, pipe, hydrant, curb box, shut-off valve at any curb box, any other kind of valve or other apparatus belonging to the Winamac Municipal Water Works Utility or whoever prevents a water meter from duly registering the quantity of water supplied or in any way interferes with its proper action or just registration, or whoever, without the consent of Winamac Municipal Water Works Utility by its proper officers, diverts any water from any pipe line or fire hydrant of Winamac Municipal Water Works Utility or otherwise uses or causes to be used, without the consent of Winamac Municipal Water Works Utility, any water distributed by Winamac Water Works Utility, or whoever attempts any of the above, shall be guilty of a violation.
   (B)   Exceptions. The following entities are exempt from this section:
      (1)   Employees of the town while engaged in work activities for the town.
      (2)   Members of the Winamac Volunteer Fire Department while engaged in firefighting activities, training activities, maintenance of firefighting equipment, or otherwise engaged in public safety activities.
      (3)   Members of other fire departments while assisting the Winamac Volunteer Fire Department in any of its activities.
(Ord. 13 of 2012, passed 11-12-2012) Penalty, see § 53.99