For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BULK ITEMS. Those large items of personal property which includes, but is not limited to furniture, mattresses, carpeting, tires, televisions and non-Freon appliances.
   BRUSH. Leaves; hedge, shrub, bush or tree trimmings; limbs or sticks from trees, bushes, shrubs, hedges, whether dead or alive, and other organic matter normally associated with garden maintenance.
   BUSINESS. A commercial, religious and/or governmental entity.
   CONTAINER. Only approved, provided CONTAINERS will be collected.
   RECEPTACLE. Any trash/garbage container or dumpster.
   RECYCLABLE ITEMS. Items collected and processed by the county recycling center.
   RECYCLING RECEPTACLE. Any receptacle issued by the contractor for the disposal of recyclable items.
   RUBBISH. Unacceptable waste, including but not limited to crates, barrels, building materials, lumber, concrete, metals, shavings, Freon-containing appliances, liquids, liquid and water wastes which are normally disposed of in a sanitary sewer, hazardous waste, rocks, ashes and/or animal carcasses.
   TOWN. Winamac, Indiana.
   TOWN-OWNED RECEPTACLE. Any receptacle located on town property, town parks or on public sidewalks.
      (1)   Non-decaying solid and semi-solid items, except for rubbish, bulk items and yard wastes;
      (2)   Waste resulting from handling, preparation, cooking for consumption of food; and
      (3)   Waste from the handling, storage and sale of produce.
   YARD WASTE. Grass cuttings and trimmings.
(Ord. 5 of 2014, passed 4-14-2014)