(A)   The town may pay promotional and business expenses that are prudent costs of doing the business of governing which costs could include, but are not limited to the following:
      (1)   Rental of meeting places;
      (2)   Meals;
      (3)   Decorations;
      (4)   Memorabilia and commemorative objects;
      (5)   Awards;
      (6)   Expenses incurred in promoting industrial, commercial, residential development, and tourism within the town;
      (7)   Expenses incurred in developing relationships with other governmental units;
      (8)   Expenses for membership dues, assessments, conference registrations, and other assistance in local, regional, state and national associations of a civic, educational or governmental nature which have as their purpose the betterment and improvement of municipal operations whether said expenses are for Town Council Members, Council-Elect Members, the Clerk-Treasurer, Town Manager, or Department Heads;
      (9)   Direct expenses incurred for travel, meals, and lodging in conjunction with municipal business, meetings, or organizations to which the municipality belongs; and
      (10)   Any other expense of a civic or governmental nature deemed by the Town Council to be in the interest of the town (including an annual holiday party).
   (B)   Expenses for employee meals, awards, gifts and other similar expenses shall be in accordance with such expenses at a rate allowable by the State of Indiana or within a reasonable relation thereto. Any expenses deemed excessive by the Town Council shall not be paid under this section.
   (C)   No expenses shall be paid until there is an itemized detailed claim which claim shall include details for mileage and travel expenses including odometer miles and actual receipts for the expenses incurred.
   (D)   Promotional expense includes the transition expense and/or reimbursement for newly-elected officials registrations and travel expenses to IACT newly-elected officials training meetings, conferences, and schools.
   (E)   The Town Council shall budget and appropriate revenues from the town's funds to pay the above approved expenses, or reimburse town officials as the case may be for training expenses incurred in promoting the best interest of the town.
(Ord. 16 of 2015, passed 12-30-2015)