Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
2, 1997
Vacation of a dedicated alley between Lots 7 and 8 of the M.D. Falvey Addition to the town
9, 1999
Vacation of ten feet of the right-of-way on Market Street between 15th Street and 16th Street in McClelland’s Addition to the town
6, 2003
Vacation of an alley running east and west in McClelland’s Addition between lots numbered 48 and the west 132 feet of the Seminary Lot McClelland’s Addition
2 of 2006
Vacation of an alley in Hogan’s Addition between Lots 3 and 4 and between contiguous parcels owned by LaurDi Properties, LLC
5 of 2006
Vacation of a portion of a roadway located in McClelland’s Addition between contiguous parcels of land owned by Jeffrey R. Weyer.
1 of 2008
Vacation of a 16-foot wide public alley commending at a point 18 feet north of the south boundary of Lots 10 and 16, running north to a point 33 feet north of the south edge of Lots 18 and 8
7 of 2008
Vacation of a 20-foot wide public alley between Lots 27 and 28 of the Jenkin’s Second Addition
8 of 2008
Vacation a portion of a 25-foot wide public street between Lots 1 and 20 in the Hogan’s Addition beginning at its intersection with the north side of Madison Street and extending north 45 feet
6 of 2009
Vacation of a 20-foot wide public alley between Lots 83 and 84 in the Rowan Addition
6 of 2012
Vacation of two 16-foot wide public alleys in Hogan’s Addition, the first between Lots 17 and 18, and the second between Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Lots 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and 14
3 of 2016
Vacation of a 16-foot alley, commencing at a point 132 feet north of the south boundary of Lots 3 and 4 of McClelland’s Addition and running 132 feet east of Keller Street
Res. 2 of 2017
Vacation of a 30-foot wide parcel north of Lots 1 through 7 in Hogan’s Addition, and a 30-foot wide parcel on the south side of Lot 8 or Reidelbach’s Addition to the town
8 of 2018
Vacation of unused public street, better known as Water Street and divided equally between adjoining landowners
13 of 2018
Vacation of unused public street, better known as Water Street and divided equally between adjoining landowners
13 of 2021
Vacating all of the right-of-way of Sherrill Court as depicted on the plat of Georgann Subdivision