§ 115.01 GENERAL.
   (A)   This chapter shall be known as the “Alcoholic Beverage Control Ordinance” of the City of Wilmore, Kentucky (hereinafter referred to as the “city”).
   (B)   The purpose of this chapter is to establish uniform regulations and requirements for the licensing and regulation of alcoholic beverage manufacture and sales pursuant to authorization under KRS Ch. 241 through 244.
   (C)   The definitions of the wards used throughout this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, shall have the same meaning as those set out in the alcoholic beverage control laws (KRS Ch. 241 through 244) of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and all amendments and supplements thereto.
   (D)   This chapter shall be construed to apply to the manufacture and traffic in both malt beverages and distilled spirits and wine where the context permits such application. Nothing in this chapter shall excuse or relieve the licensee, or the owner, proprietor, employee, agent or person in charge of any licensed premises where alcoholic beverages are sold from the restrictions, requirements and penalties of any other ordinance of the city, or of any statues of the state relating to violations pertaining to alcoholic beverages.
   (E)   The provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law of the Commonwealth of Kentucky (KRS Ch. 241 through 244) and all amendments and supplements thereto, are adopted so far as applicable to this chapter except as otherwise lawfully provided herein.
(Ord. 2021-2, passed 3-15-2021; Ord. 2022-8, passed 9-19-2022)