No person shall own, harbor, or keep within the city a hen chicken unless a valid license for such chicken has been obtained pursuant to the provisions stated herein.
(A) License.
(1) Licenses shall be obtained annually and expire each April 1.
(2) License application fees are due upon submittal of the license application. The fee will be established by ordinance.
(3) The city may deny or revoke any license application or renewal if it deems the applicant:
(a) Unable or unwilling to fulfill the provisions stated herein;
(b) Failing to comply with the provisions of this section;
(c) Submitting inaccurate or incomplete license information;
(d) Failing to meet the conditions of the license;
(e) Creating a nuisance; or
(f) If the public health and safety would be unreasonably endangered by the granting or renewing of such license.
(4) The city may inspect the licensed property at any time to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section.
(B) General.
(1) The keeping of roosters is prohibited.
(2) No more than six chickens shall be kept on any one licensed premises.
(3) Chickens must be confined on the licensed premises at all times, in a chicken coop or chicken run, and may not be kept in any part of the principal dwelling, garage, front yard or side yard.
(4) The butchering of chickens is prohibited.
(5) All chicken grains and feed must be stored in a rodent-proof container.
(6) The use of chickens for cockfighting is prohibited.
(C) Coop and run.
(1) All chickens shall be provided access to both a coop and run.
(2) All fencing and electrical work associated with the chicken coop or run shall be consistent with the Building and Zoning Codes and all appropriate permits and licenses shall be obtained therefor.
(3) Any chicken coop or run shall be set back at least ten feet from the principal dwelling, 50 feet from principal dwellings on adjacent lots and ten feet from the property line. The coop and run shall be located closer to the principal dwelling of the licensed property than to any principal dwelling on adjacent properties.
(4) Any coop or run shall be set back at least 25 feet from the following features:
(a) A delineated wetland edge; and
(b) The top of a bank of a pond, filtration basin or infiltration basin.
(5) Chicken coops shall have a maximum footprint area of ten square feet per chicken and a minimum footprint area of five square feet per chicken.
(6) Chicken runs shall have a maximum footprint area of 20 square feet per chicken and a minimum footprint area of ten square feet per chicken.
(7) The coop shall be elevated a minimum of 12 inches above ground and may not exceed a height of six feet as measured from the ground.
(8) No coop or run shall be located in any form of easement or right-of-way.
(9) The coop and run shall be completely enclosed and rodent-proof.
(10) The coop shall provide adequate protection from the elements and be winterized.
(11) Once the owner is finished raising chickens, the coop and run must be removed from the property.
(D) Private restrictions and covenants on property. Notwithstanding the issuance of a license by the city, private restrictions or covenants on the use of property shall remain enforceable. Private restrictions include, but are not limited to, deed restrictions, condominium master deed restrictions, neighborhood association by-laws and covenant declarations. A license issued to a person whose premises are subject to private restrictions and/or covenants that prohibit the keeping of chickens is void. The interpretation and enforcement of the private restrictions is the sole responsibility of the private parties involved.
(Ord. passed - -) Penalty, see § 94.99