(A) It shall be the duty of the city’s Police Department and the City Clerk or other responsible officer designated by the City Council and authorized by ordinance to serve or cause to be served a notice upon either the owner or occupant of any property on which there is kept or maintained any nuisance in violation of the provisions of this subchapter. Such notices shall describe the nuisance so maintained and shall demand abatement of such nuisance within five days for all violations.
(B) The notice shall also include all of the following:
(1) A statement to the effect that if the nuisance is not remedied within the prescribed time, the city may elect to proceed to abate the nuisance;
(2) An estimate as to the value of the labor and materials necessary to remedy the situation;
(3) A statement to the effect that the cost of abatement constitutes a lien against the property in favor of the city;
(4) A statement to the effect that after the city has abated the nuisance, the City Clerk, or other responsible officer designated by the City Council, will send a bill for the cost of the abatement, to include an administrative cost, to the property owner and occupant and, if the bill is not paid within ten days following the mailing of the bill, that a notice of lien claimed for the cost of the abatement will be placed against the property; and/or
(5) A statement to the effect that if the city chooses it may take any additional legal action available to it in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Ord. 647-12, passed 3-4-2013)