   "Traffic control signal" means any highway traffic signal by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed.
(ORC 4511.01(RR))
301.48 TRAILER.
   "Trailer" means every vehicle designed or used for carrying persons or property wholly on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle, including any such vehicle when formed by or operated as a combination of a semitrailer and a vehicle of the dolly type, such as that commonly known as a trailer dolly, a vehicle used to transport agricultural produce or agricultural production materials between a local place of storage or supply and the farm when drawn or towed on a street or highway at a speed greater than twenty-five miles per hour and a vehicle designed and used exclusively to transport a boat between a place of storage and a marina, or in and around a marina, when drawn or towed on a street or highway for a distance of more than ten miles or at a speed of more than twenty-five miles per hour.
(ORC 4511.01(M))
301.49 TRUCK.
   "Truck" means every motor vehicle, except trailers and semitrailers, designed and used to carry property. (ORC 4511.01(K))