(a)   No owner or operator of a massage establishment located in the City of Willoughby Hills shall knowingly do any of the following:
      (1)   Employ an unregistered masseur or masseuse.
      (2)   Refuse to allow appropriate State or local authorities, including members of the City's Police Department and Building Department, access to the massage establishment for any health or safety inspection or license requirement conducted pursuant to this Chapter.
      (3)   Employ any person under the age of eighteen.
      (4)   Record in any medium the delivery of a massage to any person or record in any medium the disrobing or showering of any person.
   (b)   No person employed in a massage establishment located in the City of Willoughby Hills shall knowingly do any of the following in the performance of duties at the massage establishment:
      (1)   Place his or her hand upon, touch with any part of his or her body, fondle in any manner, or massage the sexual or genital area of any other person.
      (2)   Perform, offer, or agree to perform any act which would require the touching of the sexual or genital area of any other person.
      (3)   Touch, offer or agree to touch the sexual or genital area of any person with any mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliance.
      (4)   Wear unclean clothing, no clothing, transparent clothing, or clothing that otherwise reveals the sexual or genital areas of the masseur or masseuse.
      (5)   Uncover or allow the sexual or genital area of any other person to be uncovered while providing massages.
      (6)   Perform, offer or agree to perform non-medical massage with or without compensation to any individual under the age of eighteen years old.
         (Ord. 2021-033. Passed 6-10-21.)