For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the following meanings. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
   (a)    "Alarm system" means any system which transmits to a privately operated central station or directly to the police station to alert the City that an emergency exists or that the services of the public safety forces are needed. "Alarm system" also means any alarm device which automatically emits an audible, visual, electronic, telephonic or other similar response upon the occurrence of any hazard or emergency and which alerts persons outside the building of the existence of such hazard or emergency. "Alarm system" as defined in this section shall include, but not be limited to, alarms for burglary, fire and flood.
      (1)    "Audible alarm" means any system which sounds a bell, horn, buzzer or other type of audible signal within the proximity of the user as the principal means of summoning assistance.
      (2)    "Automatic dialing devices" includes any telephone device or telephone attachment that automatically selects a telephone line allocated by the telephone company to the City or any of its divisions.
      (3)    "Medical Alert Alarm" means a personal medical alerting device that when activated only necessitates the response of one (1) emergency medical unit.
   (b)    "False alarm" means an emergency alarm activated by inadvertence, negligence or unintentional acts to which the City Police Department or Fire Department responds, including but not limited to malfunction of the alarm system, mechanical failure, improper installation, improper adjustment, negligence of any system user or of such user's employees or agents, or the sounding of an audible alarm for more than ten consecutive minutes, regardless of the cause of activation.
      The definition excludes false alarms caused by the following:
      (1)    Malfunctions of the indicator at the Police Station;
      (2)    Malfunction, testing or repairing of telephone equipment or lines;
      (3)    Malfunction, testing or repairing of the normal power supply source for alarms installed on residential subdivisions;
      (4)    Acts of God, such as earthquake, flood, windstorm, thunder or lightning;
      (5)    An attempted illegal entry of which there is visible evidence;
      (6)    The user acting under a sincere belief that a need exists to call the Police Department or Fire Department; or
      (7)    Medical Alert Alarms.
If a doubt exists as to the cause of a false alarm, the Chief of Police shall resolve it in favor of the alarm user.
   (c)    "User" means the person, corporation or other entity which purchases, leases or is protected by the alarm system.
   (d)    "Provider" means the person who contracts with the user to provide an alarm system.
   (e)    "Alarm business" means any business operated by a person for a profit which engages in the activity of altering, installing, leasing, maintaining, repairing, replacing, selling, servicing or responding to a fire, burglar or holdup alarm system, or which causes any of these activities to take place.
   (f)   "Alarm agent" means any person employed by or acting on behalf of an alarm business whose duties include the altering, installing, maintaining, moving, repairing, replacing, selling, servicing, responding to, or causing others to respond to an alarm device.
   (g)   "Chief of Police" means the duly appointed Chief of the Willoughby Hills Police Department, or his authorized representative, and for the purposes of this chapter, shall be construed to include the Chief of the Willoughby Hills Fire Department (herein referred to as the "Fire Chief") or his authorized representative.
   (h)   "Residence" means single family dwellings, two family, double or duplex houses, multiple houses, and apartment buildings or multifamily dwellings as those terms are defined in Chapter 1131 of the Codified Ordinances.
      (Ord. 1998-70. Passed 12-10-98.)