The following schedule of fees shall prevail for all inspections and permits issued by the Fire Department:
Automobile tire rebuilding plants | $50.00 |
Bowling alley refinishing | $50.00 |
Nitrate motion picture film storage | $50.00 |
Celulose nitrate plastics | $50.00 |
Combustible fibers | $50.00 |
Compressed gases | $50.00 |
Dry cleaning plants | $50.00 |
Dust producting materials | $50.00 |
Blasting; explosives; ammunition | $50.00 |
Fire protection; equipment; sprinkler; standpipe; alarm; yard hydrant | $50.00 per hour* |
Application of flammable finishes | $50.00 |
Fireworks exhibition | $100.00 |
Flammable liquid storage tanks | $100.00 |
Tank vehicles, flammable liquids | $50.00 |
Fruit ripening processes | $50.00 |
Insecticide fogging | $50.00 |
Garages | $50.00 |
Hazardous chemicals | $50.00 per hour* |
Liquefied petroleum gases | $50.00 |
Lumber yards | $50.00 |
Magnesium storage | $50.00 |
Oil burning equipment | $50.00 |
Organic coatings | $50.00 |
Ovens and furnaces | $50.00 |
Places of assembly | $50.00 |
Bonfires; outdoor rubbish fires | No Charge |
Storage of matches | $50.00 |
Combustible materials storage | $50.00 |
Tents (each tent) | $50.00 |
Removal or abandonment of underground flammable liquid tanks | $50.00 per hour* |
Self-service filling stations (initial installation) | $50.00 per hour* |
(annual renewal) | $25.00 |
Plan review and fire protection review | $50.00 per hour* |
Fire Safety Inspections: | |
First inspection | No Charge |
First re-inspection for uncorrected violations | No Charge |
Second re-inspection for uncorrected violations | $50.00 |
Three or more re-inspections for uncorrected violations | $100.00 per re-inspection |
All other permits required by the Codified Ordinances of the City to be issued by the Fire Department, and not specifically listed herein | $50.00 |
* Minimum charge of one hour shall apply to all per
hour charges, with a rounding up to the next quarter
of an hour for all charges exceeding the first hour.
(Ord. 2002-39. Passed 3-28-02.)