The Ohio Fire Code adopted herein, is hereby amended and changed as follows:
1507.13.01 Notice or Service of Citation or Order. (Deleted)
1507.13.02 Plan Review Approval. (Added)
All plans for construction, repair or alteration in all zoned districts except single family residential, received by the city of Willoughby Hills "The Building Inspector of the City or the Planning Commission and Architectural Board of Review" for construction within the City, shall be submitted for review by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. When such submitted plans have been found to conform to the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code and all other codes adopted by the City pertaining to fire protection, fire safety, extinguishment and life safety, such plans shall be stamped as approved for "Fire Regulations Only". When plans are submitted which do not conform to such codes, a list of all violations shall be written or attached to the submitted plans. The owner of such plans or his representative shall subsequently submit revised plans, addenda or other data to show evidence of compliance with the applicable provisions of these codes. In the event such data is not received within a reasonable length of time, not to exceed thirty days, the Fire Chief may revoke the plan approval. The construction, erection and/or alteration of a commercial, industrial, multi-family or institutional building and any addition thereto, and the equipment and maintenance thereof, shall conform to required plans which have been approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. When the Bureau of Fire Prevention finds that work and or equipment is contrary to approved plans the owner or contractor shall be given a specific period of time in which to conform to such plans and such building, or part thereof, shall not be occupied until such violations are corrected. Corrected plans must be submitted to the Bureau of Fire Prevention for approval.
1507.13.03 Handling Readily Combustible Materials. (Added)
(a) No person making, using, storing or having in charge, or under his control any shavings, excelsior, rubbish, sacks, bags, litter, hay, straw or combustible waste materials shall fail or neglect at the close of each day to cause all such material which is not compactly baled and stacked in an orderly manner to be removed from the building or stored in suitable vaults or in metal lined, covered receptacles or bins. The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall require suitable bailing presses to be installed in storage, apartment buildings, factories and similar places where accumulations of paper and waste materials are not removed at least every second day.
(b) In all multi-family homes and apartments where storage is permitted in lockers or storage rooms, there shall be a clearance of at least thirty inches between the top of material stored and the underside of the lowest beams, girders, sprinkler deflectors or other ceiling obstructions which might restrict the discharge of water from sprinklers or fire hose streams over this material.
(c) In all multi-family homes and apartments where individual furnace rooms are maintained, the storage of combustible materials or flammable liquid is not permitted.
1507.13.04 False Alarm; Tampering. (Added)
No person shall give or assist in giving a false alarm of fire or proclaim any fire is extinguished when it is not. No person shall tamper with or cause damage to any fire alarm box or attachments of any fire alarm system, which is connected directly into the Municipal fire alarm circuits or central station system. No person shall install, erect, insert, attach, build, create or otherwise use any alarm system which by electronic, radio, automatic or mechanical means on the occurrence of a given event, circumstance or condition transmits a signal or voice communication for reception by the Fire Department on their established telephone lines or radio bands.
1507.13.05 Basements of Store Units. (Added)
No person shall be permitted to reside in any part of any commercial occupancy, except in apartments built, designed and intended to be used as dwelling units adjacent to or above such establishment, but in no case shall living or sleeping be permitted in the basement thereof.
1507.13.06 Electrical Equipment Sales. (Added)
(a) Sales Limitation. No person, firm or corporation shall sell, offer or expose for sale within the City, any electrical materials, equipment, fixtures, appliances or heating and lighting devices which do not bear an Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual or any other approved recognized testing laboratory. (Section deleted)
(b) Inspection; Notice. The Fire Chief or an inspector for the Bureau of Fire Prevention is hereby authorized to inspect any and all electrical materials, equipment, fixtures, appliances, or heating and lighting devices sold, or offered or exposed for sale within this City, and to determine whether the same are safe or unsafe for use because of design, construction, wiring or assembly. If such materials or devices are found to be unsafe, a notice of inspection shall be given to the person selling or offering or exposing the same for sale. Such notice shall state what articles, materials or devices are unsafe and shall be removed immediately. No person shall be guilty of violating this section unless a written notice of inspection has been issued to the person responsible for the sale of the dangerous products.
1507.13.07 Elevators: (Amended)
(a) All elevators shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Life Safety Code NFPA 101.
(b) Minimum Elevator Car Size. All new elevator installations shall have a platform size of seven feet by five feet and the doors, both car and landing doors, shall be of the two speed, sideslide type. Minimum door opening size shall be three feet, six inches wide and seven feet high.
1507.13.08 Fire Protection Systems. (Added)
Automatic Ionization Detector Warning Systems. Fire Alarm Systems. Standpipe Systems and Automatic Sprinkler Systems (Amended):
1. Protective and Extinguishing Fire Equipment Required: No person shall construct any building hereinafter described without installing at the time of such construction the protective and fire-extinguishing equipment hereinafter provided with respect to such building. No person shall construct, own or occupy any such building without thereafter maintaining in proper operative condition the protective extinguishing fire equipment hereinafter provided.
2. All Residential Uses.
A 110-volt AC automatic ionization detector warning system approved by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System and installed in the immediate vicinity but outside of all sleeping rooms, with the alarm signaling devices clearly audible in all bedrooms within the dwelling unit when all intervening doors are closed.
3. Transient and Non-transient Residential Buildings. Excluding One Family Residential. But including Townhouses and Two Three and Four-Family Residential Buildings, Hotels, Motels, Lodging Houses, Dormitories, Apartment Houses and Accessory Quarters.
(A) 110-volt AC ionization detector warning system approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System and the Chief Building Official in all hallways, corridors, storage areas, basements, cellars or other areas within the building proper that will sound an alarm audible in all dwelling units and throughout the building proper within sixty seconds; and
(B) A standpipe system if such building:
(i) Is more than two stories in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Has a floor area of 6,000 square feet or more, and
(C) An automatic sprinkler system throughout (including basement and/or cellar areas) with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories Inc., and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department if such building:
(i) Is more than one story in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iv) Accommodates more than fifty persons.
(D) Dividing walls between units shall be of such construction so as not to have less than approved two-hour fire resistance rating between units; construction of the wall shall meet the standards of Underwriter's Laboratories or equivalent.
(E) Floors between units above the first floor shall be of such construction so as not to have less than approved two-hour fire resistance rating unless there is a direct single occupant access between the lower and upper stories, in which case the separating floor and ceiling assemblies shall be approved limited combustible materials.
4. Institutional Uses ("I" Uses as defined in the Ohio Basic Building Code).
(A) 110-volt AC automatic ionization detector warning system approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System installed in all sleeping rooms and throughout the building with alarm signaling devices clearly audible within sixty seconds throughout the building; and
(B) A manually activated local alarm pull-station system clearly audible in all areas of the building in each building connected to an approved Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System twenty-four- hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises; and
(C) A standpipe system if such building:
(i) Is more than two stories in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iv) Accommodates more than fifty persons; and
(D) Minor accessory buildings excepted, an automatic sprinkler system installed throughout and connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department.
5. Schools and School Assembly Halls:
(A) A manually activated local alarm pull-station system clearly audible within sixty seconds in all areas of the building in each building connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises; and
(B) A standpipe system if such building:
(i) Is more than one story in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iv) Accommodates more than fifty persons;
(C) An automatic sprinkler system installed throughout and connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department except where carbon banks, foam or chemical extinguishing systems or other approved fire extinguishing means are more suitable and approved by the Chief Building Official and the Fire Chief.
6. Places of assembly, Churches, Day Care Centers, Museums, Theaters, Restaurants, Night Clubs, Recreation or Amusement Buildings and Similar Structures.
(A) A manually activated local alarm pull-station system clearly audible within sixty seconds in all areas of the building connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises; and
(B) A standpipe system if such building:
(i) Is more that two stories in height, or
(ii) Is more than forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iv) Accommodates more than fifty persons; and
(C) An automatic sprinkler system installed throughout including where carbon banks, foam or chemical extinguishing systems or other approved extinguishing means are more suitable and approved by the Chief Building Official and the Fire Chief, with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department if such building:
(i) Is more than two stories in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iv) Accommodates more than fifty persons; and
(D) A 110-volt AC automatic detector ionization warning system approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., the Factory Mutual System and the Chief Building Official installed in all rooms, halls, corridors, storage areas, basements, cellars and other areas (as determined by the Chief Fire Official) within the building proper that will sound an alarm audible within sixty seconds throughout the building proper.
7. Business Buildings, Mercantile Buildings and Office Buildings.
(A) A manually activated local alarm pull-station system clearly audible within sixty seconds in all areas of the building connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises, in all buildings:
(i) More than two stories in height, or
(ii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iii) Occupied by forty or more persons; or
(iv) Accommodates more than fifty persons; and
(B) A standpipe system if such building:
(i) Is more than two stories in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or
(iv) Accommodates more than fifty persons, and
(C) An automatic sprinkler system installed throughout including where carbon banks, foam or chemical extinguishing system or other approved by the Chief Building Official and the Fire Chief, with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department a building:
(i) More than two stories in height, or
(ii) Over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iv) Accommodates more than fifty persons; and
8. Industrial Buildings and Storage or Warehouse Buildings:
(A) A manually activated local alarm pull-station system clearly audible within sixty seconds in all areas of the building connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department with adequately available manual alarm stations on the premises, in all buildings:
(i) More than two stories in height, or
(ii) Over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iv) Occupied by fifty or more persons; and
(B) Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent, a standpipe system if such building:
(i) Is more than two stories in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area or,
(iv) Occupied by fifty or more persons; and
(C) Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent, foam, chemical or other system, an automatic sprinkler system with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department and send an audible alarm within sixty seconds throughout the building proper installed throughout a building:
(i) More than two stories in height, or
(ii) Over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 feet in total area or,
(iv) Occupied by fifty or more persons, and
(D) Where water is inadvisable as a fire-extinguishing agent, foam, chemical or other acceptable extinguishing systems in fire hazard areas.
9. Special Occupancy Buildings Aircraft and Automobile Sales and Service and Commercial Storage Buildings:
(A) Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent. A standpipe system if such building:
(i) Is more than one story in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area; and
(B) Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent, an automatic sprinkler system with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved 24-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department installed throughout a building:
(i) More that one story in height, or
(ii) Over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area; and
(C) Where water is inadvisable as a fire extinguishing agent, foam, chemical or other acceptable extinguishing systems in fire hazard areas approved by the Chief Building Official and the Fire Chief, with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System to summon the Fire Department and sound an audible alarm within sixty seconds throughout the building proper,
(D) Standard chemical or foam fire extinguishers in number and locations where the Chief Building Official and Fire Chief deem advisable.
10. Commercial Self Storage Buildings, Mini-Storage type occupancies:
(A) Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent. A standpipe system if such building:
(i) Is more than one story in height, or
(ii) Is over forty feet in height, or
(iii) Is more than 6,000 square feet in total area; and
(B) Regardless of building area or height: Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent, an automatic sprinkler system with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved 24-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department installed throughout a building:
(C) Where water is inadvisable as a fire extinguishing agent, foam, chemical or other acceptable extinguishing systems in fire hazard areas approved by the Building Official and the Fire Chief, with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System to summon the Fire Department and sound an audible alarm within sixty seconds throughout the building proper,
(D) Standard chemical or foam fire extinguishers in number and locations where the Chief Building Official and Fire Chief deem advisable.
(E) Dividing walls between storage units shall have minimum rating of two hour fire resistance; construction of the wall shall meet the standards of Underwriter's Laboratories or equivalent.
1507.13.09 Equipment to Meet Ohio Fire Code/Ohio Basic Building Code. (Added)
All protective and extinguishing equipment provided for herein shall meet specifications and standards set forth in the Ohio Fire Code and Ohio Basic Building Code.
1507.13.10 Annual Inspection Required. (Added)
All automatic sprinkler equipment and appurtenant equipment specified herein shall be inspected annually by persons certified by the State Fire Marshal to work on such equipment, which shall present to the City an affidavit stating such equipment is in proper operative condition.
1507.13.11 Notification To Fire Department: (Added)
The occupant and owner of the building containing such equipment shall promptly notify the Fire Department in case such sprinkler protection is withdrawn, interrupted, curtailed or altered. Approval must be obtained before removal, interruption, repair, or alteration of any fire protection equipment.
1507.13.12 Equipment Subject to Inspection by The City: (Added)
All detection and extinguishing equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Building Official and the Fire Official.
1507.13.13 Structural Alterations More Than Twenty-Five Percent or 6000 Square Feet to Conform With Applicable Section: (Added)
No existing building shall be reconstructed or structurally altered without conforming to this section, when that reconstruction or alteration exceeds the lesser of:
(A) Twenty-five percent (25%) of its total area, or
(B) 6,000 square feet in area.
1507.13.14 Change in Occupancy/Change in Use. (Added).
No existing building shall change in occupancy or use, as determined by the Chief Building Official, without conforming to this section.
1507.13.15 Storage of Explosives. (Added)
No person shall store at any time any powder house, magazine, or building within the City limits, a quantity of gunpowder or other similar explosive weighing in excess of ten pounds without prior approval of the Chief Zoning Official and the Fire Chief.
1507.13.16 Sale of Explosives to Minors. (Added)
No person shall sell, offer for sale or give away to a minor any explosive cap, cartridge, shell, gun cotton or other similar article containing explosives.
1507.13.17 Blasting Permit. (Added)
No person shall cause a blast to occur within the City without making application in writing beforehand, setting forth the exact nature of the intended operation, and receiving a permit to blast from the Mayor or his designee. The Mayor or his designee, before granting such permit, shall require the applicant to provide a bond to indemnify the City and all other persons against injury or damages which might result from the proposed blasting.
1507.13.18 Number of Risers: (Added)
The number of standpipe risers shall be such that all parts of every floor area can be reached by a thirty-foot hose stream from a nozzle attached to not more than seventy-five feet of hose connected to a riser outlet. In buildings equipped with an interior smoke-proof enclosure vestibule, at least one standpipe hose connection shall be located in the vestibule.
1507.13.19 Hose Connections: (Added)
At each floor level and not more than five feet above the floor, there shall be connected to each standpipe, a two-and-one-half inch hose connection and a one-and-one-half inch connection with valves and National Standard Threads conforming to the local fire department's standard. Each one- and-one-half inch hose connection shall be equipped with not more than seventy-five feet of one-and- one-half inch approved lined fire hose with an approved fog nozzle and couplings and hung in an approved rack or cabinet. Hose provided for rack and cabinet use shall be of ozone resistant material and designed to be folded in a pin unit.
Exception: In buildings with sprinkler systems, the one-and-one-half inch hose and cabinets are not required.
1507.13.21 Yard Hydrants Required. (Added)
(a) Specifications and Permits. Plans showing the location, size and connections of the yard hydrant system shall be furnished to the Fire Prevention Bureau. The plans shall be to scale and shall include the details necessary to indicate clearly all apparatus and its arrangements. The plans shall be accompanied by specifications covering the character of the materials and features relating to the installation in detail. Upon the approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau, a permit for the installation will be issued.
(b) Hydrant System.
l. When Required: Whenever the ground area of a commercial occupancy exceeds fifteen thousand square feet and whenever required by the Fire Chief due to special hazard or poor access that efficient fire fighting cannot be carried on from existing public hydrants. The responsible person is accountable for the purchase and installation of any required yard hydrants.
2. Number Required: Where topography permits, hydrants shall be spaced not more than three hundred feet apart and so located adjacent to roadways and drive areas that all sides of all buildings in the complex can be reached by comparatively short hose lays from more than one hydrant. A comparatively short hose lay shall not exceed three hundred feet. All roadways and drive areas shall have a minimum fifty-foot turn radius to accommodate fire apparatus' accessibility to the fire hydrants.
(c) Type Hydrants and Fittings, Etc.
l. All hydrants shall conform to the Fire Department's standard. A main of not less than eight inches shall supply these hydrants. For average conditions, hydrants shall be placed about fifty feet from the buildings protected. Where it is impossible to place them at this distance, they may be put closer, provided they are set in locations where the chance of damage by falling walls is small.
2. Eight inch or larger pipe shall be installed underground in yard systems for mains or hydrant branches.
All mains shall form a grid system with the present City fire hydrant water mains. Any and all required valves; piping, hydrant and other such equipment shall meet such standards. and be so installed and located in conformance to the City Engineer and Fire Chief.
1507.13.22 Posting of Maximum Occupancy Load. (Amended)
Each place of assembly shall be posted with an approved legible sign in contrasting colors conspicuously located stating the maximum number of occupants permitted within such space. The number of occupants permitted shall be determined by the capacity of the egress facility as provided in the building code, except that the Fire Prevention Bureau of the City shall have the final authority to determine such occupancy load. In assemblies that may have their type of occupancy change from day to day, the occupancy load may also change accordingly. The owner shall be responsible for installing and maintaining such signs.
1507.13.23 Causing Fire Through Negligence. (Added)
No person shall, in any zoned district, by any means whatsoever, through carelessness, intent or negligence, set fire to, or cause the burning any part of buildings, its contents, components, lands, or premises in such a manner as to cause destruction, damage, or endanger the safety of any person or property.
1507.13.24 Report of Fire; Spreading Alarm.
It shall be the duty of the responsible person or employee or an occupant or person in direct control of a commercial occupancy upon discovery of any unfriendly fire or upon receiving information that there is an unfriendly fire on the premises, immediately and with all reasonable dispatch and diligence, to notify the Fire Department concerning such fire and to spread an alarm immediately to all occupants of the building.
1507.13.25 Welding in Service Stations Prohibited. (Added)
No person shall perform any welding or cutting operations or use any heat-producing torch within or upon the property of any gasoline service station.
1507.13.26 Indoor Storage of Motor Vehicles. (Added)
(a) In all buildings, other than one or two-family dwellings with garage accessory thereto, where space is provided for the storage of motor vehicles, the following fire protection measures shall be followed: All parking garages, which allow more than 4 parking spaces, shall have Dividing walls every four spaces. The dividing walls shall be of such construction so as not to have less than approved two-hour fire resistance rating between units; construction of the wall shall meet the standards of Underwriter's Laboratories or equivalent. Exception: If the parking garage is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories Inc., and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four-hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department.
(b) Parking garages: In all buildings, other than one or two-family dwellings with garage accessory thereto, storage shall be limited to vehicles. No other type of storage shall be permitted.
1507.13.27 Fire Fighters to be Employed. (Added)
One or more members of the Fire Department, as determined by the Fire Chief, shall be employed by all places of public assemblage such as circuses, carnivals, fairs, festivals or other entertainment including amusements, or exhibitions where large crowds will assemble. Such "fire fighters" shall familiarize themselves with all fire protection facilities and fire prevention features and with the condition of exits and shall patrol the entire area during the time of occupancy. They shall see that all aisles and exitways are kept open and the "No Smoking" rules are enforced. The Firefighters shall be in the employ of and paid directly by the organization or group sponsoring such event. The pay for said Firefighters shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) per hour.
1507.13.28 Upright Storage; Exposed Valves. (Added)
All high-pressure gas cylinders stored within a building shall be secured to a wall in an upright position. All exposed valves shall be provided with protective caps and shall be installed on all cylinder valves not in actual use.
1507.13.29 Container and Portable Tanks. (Amended)
(a) Dwellings and apartment houses containing not more than two dwelling units and accompanying attached and detached garages: Storage in excess of five gallons of flammable or combustible liquid shall be prohibited not including fuel oil for oil burner service.
(b) Assembly occupancies, apartment houses containing more than two dwellings and hotels: Storage in excess of five gallons shall be prohibited, and limited storage of such liquids shall be within approved safety cans, located in a metal cabinet clearly marked with words "FLAMMABLE LIQUID" in red letters no less than three inches high on a white background. Storage quantities shall be limited to that required for buildings and equipment operation or maintenance not including fuel oil for oil burner service.
(c) Assembly occupancies, apartment houses containing more than two dwellings and hotels: The storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas is prohibited without first obtaining a permit from the Fire Chief or the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Portable Equipment associated with Liquefied Petroleum Gas, or flammable liquids (i.e. cooking grills, etc) shall not be stored in apartment houses or on balconies.
1507.13.30 Permits and Storage. (Added)
(a) A permit shall be obtained for the storage and use of any cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas, which has a water capacity greater than forty-eight pounds.
(b) A permit shall be obtained on all cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas whenever such cylinders are used or stored inside of any building, garage or structure, regardless of the water capacity, except:
1. If temporarily used for demonstration purposes and the container has a maximum water capacity of twelve pounds, or
2. If used with a completely self-contained hand torch or similar equipment, and the container has a maximum water capacity of two and one-half pounds.
(c) The maximum storage of cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas with a water capacity greater than twelve pounds shall be limited as follows:
l. One or two cylinders connected directly to an appliance per specifications of the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet #58 may be stored inside of a building under construction or repair.
2. Stored cylinders not connected directly to an appliance shall be kept securely supported in their proper position outside of any building, garage, or structure and shall be no greater in size or number than designated by the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau.
(d) Suitable approved fire extinguishers or fire protection systems, odor detectors or equipment shall be provided at all locations where liquefied petroleum gases are stored, used or transported and types shall be specified by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(e) Liquefied petroleum gas shall not be sold or dispensed as a motor fuel within the City.
(f) An approved agent of such character as to indicate positively the presence of gas down to concentrations in air not over one-fifth the lower limits of combustibility shall effectively odorize all liquefied petroleum gases.
(g) Storage or servicing of vehicles using or carrying liquefied gas shall not be parked stored or serviced within the City except by permit.
(h) Self-serve or any propane exchange stations are prohibited.
1507.13.30 Rapid Entry System:
All new construction of commercial, industrial, multi-family or institutional buildings shall be equipped with the Knox Box Rapid Entry system.
1507.13.31 Temporary Storage Prohibited:
Temporary or overnight storage is prohibited on all commercial, industrial, multi-family or institutional property unless the storage is an approved storeroom or storage area. Overnight storage in tractor-trailers or ground level storage containers is prohibited without first obtaining a permit from the Fire Official.
1507.13.32 Venting of Heaters and Burners (Added)
(a) A brazier, salamander, space heater, room heater, furnace, water heater or other burner or heater using wood, coal, coke, fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline, natural gas, liquid petroleum gas or similar fuel, and tending to give off carbon monoxide or other harmful gases:
1. When used in living quarters, or in any enclosed building or space in which persons are usually present, shall be used with a flue or vent so designed, installed and maintained as to vent the products of combustion outdoors, except in storage, factory or industrial buildings which are provided with sufficient ventilation to avoid the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.
When used as a portable or temporary burner or heater at a construction site, or in a warehouse, shed or structure in which persons are temporarily present shall be vented as provided in paragraph (a)(l) hereof or used with sufficient ventilation to avoid the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.
(b) This section does not apply to domestic ranges, laundry stoves, gas logs installed in a fireplace with an adequate flue, or hot plates, unless the same are used as space or room heaters.
(c) No person shall negligently use, or, being the owner, person in charge or occupant of premises, negligently permit the use of a burner or heater in violation of the standards for venting and ventilation provided in this section.
(d) No person shall negligently use, or, being the owner, person in charge or occupant of premises, negligently permit the use of, a heater in violation of any rules adopted by the State Fire Marshal under Ohio R.C. 3701.82(E).
(e) No person shall sell or offer for sale any kerosene, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas heater unless the manufacturer provides with the heater written instructions that comply with any rules adopted by the State Fire Marshal under Ohio R.C. 3701.82(F).
(f) No product labeled as a fuel additive for kerosene heaters and having a flash point below 100 degrees Fahrenheit or thirty-seven and eight-tenths degrees Centigrade shall be sold, offered for sale or used in any kerosene space heater.
(g) No device that prohibits any safety feature on a kerosene, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas space heater from operating shall be sold, offered for sale or used in connection with any kerosene, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas space heater.
(h) No person shall sell or offer for sale any kerosene-fired, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas-fired heater that is not exempt from subsection (a) hereof unless it is marked conspicuously by the manufacturer on the container with the phrase "not approved for home use"
(i) No person shall use a cabinet-type liquid petroleum gas-fired heater having a fuel source within the heater, inside any building, except as permitted by the State Fire Marshal in the State Fire Code adopted under Ohio R.C. 3737.82. (ORC 3701.82)
(j) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 1507.99.
(Ord. 2002-39. Passed 3-28-02.)