No multiple dwelling shall be occupied or permitted to be occupied unless the owner, lessee or other person having control thereof, or operating the same, has an occupancy license therefor in effect and unrevoked as hereinafter provided, unless the Building Inspector has given an extension of time for obtaining such license and the extension has not expired. Each license shall expire on September 30, irrespective of the date of its issuance, and shall not be transferable. Whenever the interest of such licensee in the building for the occupancy of which the license was issued ceases, such license shall immediately become void. However, upon the death of a licensee, the license shall nevertheless be valid for sixty days from the date of such death in favor of the legal representatives of the licensee or of the person to whom such multiple dwelling passes by law, but in no case shall such sixty days extend the license beyond September 30. However, the period from October 1 through September 30 of the following year, if during such licensing year an occupancy license has been issued pursuant to Division B of Chapter 3 of Title One of the Regional Building Code, but upon the expiration of the year all of the provisions of this section shall be applicable. (Ord. 1975-37. Passed 7-24-75.)