(a) Completed purchase orders totaling in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) are to be signed off initially by the Director of Finance and the Mayor, said signatures indicating Administrative approval and verification that the required funds are available within the Department requesting said purchase(s). A member of the Finance Committee, the President of Council or the Vice President of Council, are hereby authorized to lend his/her signature to purchase order(s) totaling in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) said signature serving as approval of said purchase(s) only after the Director of Finance and the Mayor have signed-off on the purchase order(s) indicating approval and verification that the sufficient sum(s) within such Department for such expenditure(s) has been appropriated.
(b) The Finance Department will submit to Council a monthly report of all purchase orders.
(Ord. 2020-25. Passed 4-23-20.)