A wireless telecommunications tower or facility is permitted in the following areas when in compliance with these regulations and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission according to the procedures set forth in Chapter 1111, Development Plan Review. Efforts shall be made to locate in the order of priority listed below. If a location other than the most preferred location is proposed, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Planning and Zoning Commission that a technically suitable, higher priority location is not available and that the proposed location is needed to meet the reasonable service requirements of the applicant.
(a) New wireless antennas may collocate on existing telecommunication towers or on existing structures, which have been constructed for other purposes, such as but not limited to water towers, church towers, electric transmission towers, chimneys, and cooling towers, provided the antenna does not exceed twenty (20) feet above the highest point of the structure and the transmission and receiving equipment, where feasible, is stored inside the existing building or structure or on the roof in an enclosure. The foregoing does not preclude the use of small PCS base stations and repeaters on the sides of buildings, utility poles, or in ground mounted pedestals.
(b) New wireless telecommunication towers may be located on public owned land and/or public right-of-ways in the following priority:
(1) City owned property;
(2) County owned property; and
(3) State owned property.
(c) A wireless telecommunication tower may be located in a I-1 zoning district, when located a distance at least two (2) times the height of the tower from a residential district.
(d) A wireless telecommunication tower may be located within a recorded electric high tension power line easement, provided that the tower shall not exceed the height of the existing high tension power line towers by more than ten (10) feet and the wireless telecommunication tower shall be located within forty (40) feet of such existing high tension power line towers.
(e) A Wireless Communications Tower shall be permitted in any interstate highway right-of-way and shall be set back from any dwelling unit a distance of 110 percent (110 %) of the height of the tower.
(Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)