Comprehensive Signage Plan: A comprehensive signage plan or set of graphic design criteria shall control all future signage at all new or substantially renovated or remodeled existing multi-tenant buildings and development projects such as shopping centers and business complexes. For the purposes of this subsection, substantially renovated shall mean more than 50% of the gross floor area is removed or replaced, or otherwise affected by the renovation or remodeling.
   (a)    Submission Requirements. A comprehensive signage plan shall be required for all said centers or complexes, and an agreement shall be made to incorporate design criteria requirements in all future relationships, contractual or otherwise, with tenants and other parties desiring signage at the subject center or complex.
      (1)    A comprehensive signage plan shall be required for all said centers or complexes, and an agreement shall be made to incorporate design criteria requirements in all future relationships, contractual or otherwise, with tenants and other parties desiring signage at the subject center or complex.
      (2)    Existing signage will be permitted to remain as long as the same tenant is in the same location. If the existing tenant wishes to change said sign in any way, or a new tenant occupies the location, then the sign shall conform to the on-site comprehensive signage plan.
      (3)    When more than one use or business is located on a parcel or within a complex that functions as a shopping center or business complex, the overall signage plan for the lot or center, or complex shall provide for consistency among signs on the premises with regard to the following: material, location of each sign on the building(s); sign proportions; color schemes; lettering or graphic style; lighting; area allocated to each tenant.
      (4)    When a comprehensive signage plan is submitted, such plan shall indicate nonconforming signs to the required plan. If the total existing signage exceeds the total permitted signage under the new regulations, a new or replacement tenant would be allowed its share of signage based on the approved common signage plan.
   (b)    Approval. The Architectural Board of Review shall review and act on a comprehensive signage plan according to the design and construction criteria set forth in Section 1151.07 and the review procedures for development plan review set forth in Chapter 1111, prior to the issuance of any sign permits.
      (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)