In addition to the development standards in this Chapter, all uses shall comply with the following:
(a) All buildings and accessory uses shall be located so as to take advantage of the topography, natural features and superior views within the neighboring area. They shall be designed and arranged so that the distance between buildings and the various parts thereof and between buildings and boundaries of adjoining areas will enhance the privacy, use and enjoyment of the parcel and the surrounding neighborhood.
(b) Trees shall be preserved wherever possible. With the development plan, the owner shall file a map or plat showing all existing trees on the parcel and those, which are to be preserved.
(c) Paved walkways shall be provided and maintained connecting each outdoor entryway to the parking area serving that building, to the public street, and to other buildings on-site. Where garages are constructed, the walls and roof shall be a part of the approved design of the buildings.
(d) Development plans should be designed to protect and preserve the residential character of any surrounding Single-family Residential District.
(Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)