All uses shall comply with the Performance Standards specified in Section 1157.10, Performance Standards, and the following:
   (a)    Lighting. The placement, orientation, distribution patterns and fixture types of outdoor lighting shall comply with the regulations set forth in Section 1157.12 , Exterior Lighting Regulations.
   (b)    Enclosure. All uses and operations, except off-street parking and loading facilities, shall be performed wholly within enclosed buildings, unless specifically permitted otherwise.
   (c)    Outdoor Vending Machines. In all commercial districts, there shall be no outdoor vending machines, such as machines that dispense bottled beverages or packaged food.
   (d)    Overhead Utility Lines. All utilities required to serve a development shall be located underground.
   (e)    Storage of Vehicles. No junk or unlicensed motor vehicles shall be parked or stored on the property. (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)