Buildings and structures shall comply with the height regulations set forth below, based on the district in which the lot is located:
(a) In B-1, Limited Commercial District, buildings and structures shall not exceed two (2) stories or a height of thirty (30) feet.
(b) In B-2, Commercial Campus/Mixed Use District, buildings and structures two hundred (200) or more feet from a residential district boundary shall not exceed a height of forty (40) feet. Buildings within two hundred (200) feet of a residential district boundary shall not exceed a height of thirty (30) feet.
(c) In B-3, High Density Mixed Use Commercial District, buildings within two hundred (200) feet of a residential district boundary shall not exceed a height of thirty-two (32) feet. Buildings and structures two hundred (200) feet or more from a residential district boundary shall not exceed a height of forty (40) feet. If the buildings are two hundred (200) feet or more from a residential boundary line and the applicant provides one of the following, the maximum building height is fifty-five (55) feet:
(1) Provides only twenty-five percent (25%) of all parking spaces between any building and any right-of-way; or,
(2) Provides a building and parking setback of fifty (50) feet from every public right-of-way that is landscaped with ground cover; one large, shade tree for every twenty-five (25) feet of frontage or fraction thereof; and one evergreen shrub, which is twenty-four inches in height at the time of planting, for every five (5) feet of frontage or fraction thereof.
(d) Accessory buildings or structures, less than two hundred (200) square feet in gross floor area, shall not exceed a height of 18 feet.
(e) Height exceptions are set forth in Section 1157.02
, Supplementary Height Regulations. (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)