Multi-Family Residential District (M, M-1) regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To preserve the character of differing neighborhoods by providing different districts with different densities and development standards.
(b) Reserve residential charm within the City for those areas offering opportunity for a higher family density.
(c) Provide, preserve and protect locations for medium and high-density apartment development in areas with appropriate levels of service.
(d) Regulation of the bulk and location of dwellings to obtain proper privacy and useable open spaces appropriate for the various districts.
(e) Regulation of the density and distribution of population to avoid congestion and to provide adequate public services.
(f) To carry out the following specific purposes:
(1) The M District is established to provide, preserve and protect medium density residential areas for multi-family dwellings arranged to provide good building site design and effective open space in areas adequately served by City utilities and streets.
(2) The M-1 District is established to provide, reserve and protect locations for high-density apartment development in areas with appropriate levels of service. (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)