For the purposes of this Planning and Zoning Code, the Zoning Administrator shall have the following powers and duties.
   (a)    Establishment. There is hereby established the position of Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator, appointed by the Mayor, shall act as the administrative officer for the purpose of effecting the proper administration of the Planning and Zoning Code.
   (b)    Powers and Duties. The Zoning Administrator or his/her designee shall have the following powers and duties:
      (1)    To enforce the provisions of this Planning and Zoning Code and interpret the meaning and application of its provisions.
      (2)    To issue zoning certificates, based on his/her approval of the application, as provided by this Planning and Zoning Code and keep a record of the same with a notation of any special conditions involved.
      (3)    To issue certificates of zoning compliance as provided by this Planning and Zoning Code and keep a record of the same.
      (4)    To issue permits for new, relocated, or substantially modified signs.
      (5)    To accept, review for completeness, and respond to questions regarding applications upon which the Zoning Administrator is authorized by the provisions of this Planning and Zoning Code to review, including, but not limited to, amendments to the Planning and Zoning Code, development plan review, conditional uses, variances and appeals, and subdivision plats.
      (6)    To coordinate the City’s administrative review of applications required by this Planning and Zoning Code, including, but not limited to, rezoning applications, development plan review, conditional use applications, variances, and subdivision plats.
      (7)    To maintain any records required by this Planning and Zoning Code including inspection documents, and records of all variances, amendments, conditional uses, and similar use determinations.
      (8)    To make such records available for the use of Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Building and Zoning Appeals, the Architectural Board of Review, and the public.
      (9)    To conduct or cause the inspection of buildings and uses of land to determine compliance with this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (10)    To determine the existence of any violations of this Planning and Zoning Code and cause such notifications of violations or stop work orders to be issued, or initiate such other administrative or legal action as needed to address such violations.
      (11)    To maintain in current status the “Official Zoning District Map” of the City of Willoughby Hills. (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)