From and after the effective date of this section, (Ordinance No. 1955-34), passed February 9, 1956) no person, firm, corporation or association of persons shall, within the City, construct any driveway, private road or other form of access to existing roads or streets within the City, except in compliance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Whenever any such driveway, private road or other form of access shall be constructed to connect to any existing road or street within the City, there shall be provided as a part of such construction suitable drainage facilities by means of PVC ASTM D3034 SDR 35 pipe or equal to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service of the City.
   (b)   Such drainage pipe shall be of a minimum size of twelve inches in diameter, shall be installed in the existing road ditch at approximately the center line thereof, and along such center line under and across the entire width of such driveway, private road or other form of access, and shall extend a distance of at least two feet beyond each side of such access facility.
   (c)   Flow line of such drainage facility shall correspond to the existing flow line of such ditch, and the grade thereof shall be such as is determined by the Engineer of the City or the Director of Public Service.
   (d)   The Director of Public Service is further authorized to require the installation of any drainage facility pipe in any cases where, it is necessary in order to provide adequate and suitable drainage.
      (Ord. 2010-17. Passed 4-22-10.)