This Municipality shall have authority to exercise all powers of local self-government and to adopt and enforce such police, sanitary and other similar regulations as are not in conflict with general laws. All powers of government shall be exercised as follows:
   Administrative powers - by the Mayor, his appointees and/or employees authorized by law.
   Legislative powers - by a Council of seven (7) members.
   Judicial powers - by the Mayor, as authorized by law.
   All such powers shall be exercised in the manner prescribed in this Charter, or if not prescribed herein, in such manner as shall be prescribed by ordinance of Council, and when not prescribed in this Charter, or provided by ordinance of Council, then such powers shall be exercised in the manner provided by the general laws of the State of Ohio until the Council shall provide a different manner of exercising such powers.
(Amended 11-8-88)
   (a) Any public official, employee, volunteer, agent or representative ("Member") of the Municipality, while acting for the Municipality shall not thereby incur personal civil liability and such persons are hereby relieved from all personal civil liability, for any loss, damage, expense and cost including court costs and reasonable and necessary attorney fees, arising from, growing out of, by reason of, or in any way connected with any acts or omissions of such Members in the performance of their official duties. Further, all such indemnification shall extend to all Members in their official duties, which may be professional in nature.
   (b) Exclusions: In no event shall protection be offered through this Charter by the Municipality to:
      1)    Any dishonest, fraudulent, willful, intentional or malicious act or course of conduct of a Member, as deemed as such in a court of law;
      2)    Any act or course of conduct of a Member which is not performed on behalf of the Municipality;
      3)    Any act or course of conduct which is outside the scope of a Member's service or employment with the Municipality;
      4)   Any criminal prosecution brought against a Member by or on behalf of the Municipality if the individual is ultimately found guilty in a court of law; and/or
      5)   Any Member found guilty in a court of law.
   (c) The indemnification provided herein shall pertain to any civil action arising under federal, state or local law. (Enacted 11-2-21)