All areas shall conform to the minimum landscaping requirements hereinafter provided.
   (a)   Installation.
      (1)   All landscaping shall be installed in a sound manner and according to accepted good planting procedures with the quality of plant materials as hereinafter described. All elements of landscaping shall be installed so as to meet all other applicable ordinances and code requirements.
      (2)   All property other than any required landscaped strip lying between the right-of-way and off-street parking area or other vehicular use area shall be landscaped with grass or other ground cover, or acceptable non-living material commonly used in landscaping.
      (3)   The Bureau of Codes and City Engineer, with the advice of the Shade Tree Commission, where appropriate, shall decide when permanent curbing is necessary to protect landscaped areas from motor vehicles.
   (b)   Existing plant material. In instances where healthy plant material exists on a site prior to its development and is to be maintained, in part or in whole, for the purposes of meeting the requirements of these regulations, the Bureau of Codes, with the advice of the Shade Tree Commission, where appropriate, may adjust the application of the above-mentioned standards to allow credit for such plant material if, in its opinion, such an adjustment is in keeping with and will preserve the intent of this article.
   (c)   Berms and fencing. Earthen berms or opaque fencing may also be substituted for or combined with any of the landscaping requirements. They may be substituted in whole or in part where a natural buffer strip is considered to be impractical or inappropriate. They may be combined with the natural buffer strip as part of an overall landscaping plan.
   (d)   Maintenance. The owner, tenant and their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping which shall be maintained in good condition so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance, and shall be kept free from refuse and debris.
   (e)   Plant material.
      (1)   Quality plant materials and seed used in conformance with provisions of this article shall be clean and reasonably free of weeds and noxious pests or diseases. Plant material and grass seed shall be delivered to the jobsite with appropriate certification.
      (2)   Trees shall be species having an average mature spread of crown of greater than 15 feet and having a single stem trunk which can be maintained in a clean condition over six feet of clear wood. Trees having an average mature spread of crown less than 15 feet may be substituted by grouping same so as to create the equivalent of a 15-foot crown spread.
      (3)   Species known to cause damage to public vehicles, roadways or other public works shall not be planted. A list of such tree species shall be maintained and amended as necessary by the Director of Streets and Parks for the guidance of the public.
      (4)   Shrubs and hedges shall be a minimum of one foot in height when measured at planting. Such shrubs and hedges, where required, shall be installed and continuously maintained at a height as indicated in § 1383.05(a) or (b). Gaps or spaces between plants or fence/walls are acceptable, but the aggregate of gaps or spaces may not exceed more than one-third of the total length for such gaps or spaces.
      (5)   Vines shall be a minimum of 30 inches in height immediately after planting and may be used in conjunction with fences, screen plantings or walls to meet physical requirements as specified.
      (6)   Ground covers used in lieu of grass in whole or in part shall be planted or placed in such a manner as to present a finish appearance and reasonably complete coverage within 12 months after planting.
      (7)   Grass areas shall be planted in species grown as permanent lawns in this area. Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or seeded except that solid sod shall be used in swales or other areas subject to erosion.
(Ord. 5868, approved 5-16-2002)