(a)   Lotting of individual lots for commercial purposes shall be avoided in favor of a comprehensive design of the land to be used for such purposes.
   (b)   In the arrangement of buildings and facilities all of the elements of the site plan shall be harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, the size and shape of the plot, the character of the adjoining property and the type and size of the buildings in order to produce a livable and economical land use pattern.
   (c)   Additional width of streets adjacent to areas proposed for non-residential use may be required as deemed necessary by Council to assure the free flow of through traffic from vehicles entering or leaving parking areas.
   (d)   When adjacent lots proposed for non-residential uses front on a collector or arterial street, the owner may be required to provide a service road for ingress and egress; or, in lieu thereof, the owner may be required to provide an area adjacent to the proposed lots for off-street parking purposes.
   (e)   (1)   Alleys shall be required in commercial and industrial districts, except where other adequate provision is made for off-street loading and parking consistent with the use proposed.
      (2)   Dead-end alleys shall be avoided; but where this proves impossible, they shall be terminated with a paved turn-around of adequate dimensions.
   (f)   Every effort shall be made to protect adjacent residential areas from potential nuisance of the proposed non-residential developments, including the provisions of extra depths in parcels backing up on existing or potential residential developments and provisions for a permanently landscaped evergreen buffer strip.
   (g)   Streets carrying non-residential traffic shall not normally be extended to the boundaries of the adjacent existing or potential residential areas or connected to streets intended for predominantly residential traffic.
   (h)   When possible, parking areas shall be located or designed in such a manner that they are visibly secluded from eye level of the surrounding area. Grading to depress the parking area, raised berms, landscaping or fencing are satisfactory methods to create such seclusion.
   (i)   All area, design and parking requirements shall conform to the Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 4486, approved 10-14-1971)