(a)   Conformity to Zoning Ordinance. The density, parking and area and building requirements shall in all respects conform to the Zoning Ordinance for multi-family developments.
   (b)   Arrangement of buildings and facilities.
      (1)   All of the elements of the site plan shall be harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, the size and shape of the plot, the character of the adjoining property and the type and size of the buildings in order to produce a livable and economic land use pattern.
      (2)   Arrangement of buildings shall be in favorable relation to the natural topography, existing desirable trees, views within and beyond the site and exposure to the sun and other buildings on the site. Grading around buildings shall be designed to be in harmony with natural topography, at the same time assuring adequate drainage and safe and convenient access.
   (c)   Access and circulation.
      (1)   Access to the dwellings and circulation between buildings and other important project facilities for vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall be comfortable and convenient for the occupants.
      (2)   Access and circulation for fire-fighting equipment, furniture moving vans, fuel trucks, garbage collection, deliveries and snow removal shall be planned for efficient operation and convenience.
      (3)   Walking distance from the main entrance of building to a street, driveway or parking area shall usually be less than 100 feet; exception to this standard should be reasonable justified by compensating advantages, such as desirable views and site preservation through adaptation to topography. In no case shall the distance exceed 250 feet.
   (d)   Yards. Yards shall assure adequate privacy, desirable outlook, adequate natural light and ventilation, convenient access to and around the dwellings and other essential uses.
   (e)   Streets, driveways, parking. Streets, driveways and parking areas shall be as specified in other sections of this article.
   (f)   Sidewalks.
      (1)   Street sidewalks and on site walks shall be provided for convenience and safe access to all living units from streets, driveways, parking areas or garages and convenient circulation and access to all project facilities.
      (2)   Width, alignment and gradient of walks shall provide safety, convenience and appearance for pedestrian traffic.
      (3)   The alignment and gradient of walks shall be coordinated with the grading plan to prevent the passage of concentrated surface water on or across the walk and to prevent the pocketing of surface water by walks.
   (g)   Planting. The appeal and character of the site shall be preserved and enhanced by retaining and protecting existing trees and other site features; and additional new plant material shall be added for privacy, shade, beauty of buildings and grounds and to screen out objectionable features.
(Ord. 4486, approved 10-14-1971)