(a)   Within the districts established by this article or by amendments thereto, there exists, may exist or will exist: uses of land, structures and lots which were lawful before this article was passed or amended but which would be prohibited, to be newly established under the terms of this article or future amendment. Inasmuch as these non-conformities are, by definition, alien to the character of a district created under this article, it is desirable to control these non-conformities. Over time, these non-conformities are intended to be reduced in number by obsolescence, destruction, abandonment or similar factors. Because non-conformities, so long as they exist, may conflict with the objectives of this article such uses are limited in their expansion and changes.
   (b)   A lawful existing use, building, structure or lot that is made non-conforming at the time of passage of this article or any applicable amendment thereto, may be continued, except as otherwise set forth in this article.
   (c)   The Zoning Administrator may identify and register non-conforming uses, buildings and structures. The owner of the premises of a non-conforming structure or owner of a lawful non-conforming use may, upon providing sufficient evidence, secure a certificate of non-conformance from the Zoning Administrator. Other sections of this article may require a certificate of non-conformance for certain uses. The certificate of non-conformance, for the purpose of this article shall be considered the zoning permit. Such certificate shall be authorized by the Zoning Administrator and shall be for the purpose of ensuring to the owner the right to continue such non-conforming use or structure.
(Ord. 6192, approved 7-21-2011)