§ 309.01 PROPERTY TAX.
   A real property tax is hereby levied on all persons and property within the said city subject to taxation for general city purposes for the fiscal year, as follows: tax rate for the year 2024 for general city purposes, the sum of 16.72 mills (16.72/1,000) on each $1 of assessed valuation.
Mills on Each Dollar of Assessed Valuation
Cents on Each $100 of Assessed Valuation
Total – all purpose
(Ord. 5800, approved 12-16-1999; Ord. 5865, approved 12-29-2001; Ord. 5909, approved 12-19-2002; Ord. 5944, approved 12-18-2003; Ord. 5982, approved 12-23-2004; Ord. 6016, approved 12-15-2005; Ord. 6047, approved 12-21-2006; Ord. 6092, approved 12-20-2007; Ord. 6122, approved 12-18-2008; Ord. 6156, approved 12-17-2009; Ord. 6179, approved 12-16-2010; Ord. 6207, approved 12-15-2011; Ord. 6222, approved 12-13-2012; Ord. 6247, approved 12-19-2013; Ord. 6270, approved 12-18-2014; Ord. 6293, approved 12-17-2015; Ord. 6382, approved 12-12-2019; Ord. 6446, approved 12-15-2022; Ord. 6472, approved 12-14-2023)