(A)   Establishment. The Golf Committee of the city is hereby established.
   (B)   Membership. The golf professional of Williams Elephant Rocks Golf Course shall serve as an ex officio member of the Golf Committee.
   (C)   Chairperson. The members of the Committee shall meet the first Monday of every July to elect members to serve as Chairperson and as Vice-Chairperson for a term of one year from July 1 through June 30. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and exercise all the rights, duties and prerogatives of the head of any similar organization. The Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the latter’s absence or disability. Vacancies created by any cause shall be filled for the unexpired term by a new election.
   (D)   Quorum. Four members shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of four members shall be required for passage of any matter before the Committee. A member may abstain from voting only upon a declaration that he has a conflict of interest, in which case such member shall take no part in the deliberations on the matter in question.
   (E)   Duties and powers. The Golf Committee is not constituted as an agency of the City Council, but is created to assist and aid the Council in its operation, regulation and supervision of the City of Williams Elephant Rocks Golf Course in accordance with the state statutes.
   (F)   Negotiation. The Committee shall be responsible to negotiate, review, recommend to and advise the Council on all matters relating to the conduct of the Williams Elephant Rocks Golf Course, and the same shall be in writing. Rules and regulations may be proposed by the Committee, but such rules and regulations shall be enacted only by the City Council.
   (G)   Property disposal. No real property shall be disposed of by the Committee by sale, lease or otherwise, but the Committee shall advise the Council on such matters. The Committee may negotiate to lease space, area or improvements and the granting of concessions for aeronautical purposes or purposes incidental thereto, and advise the Council in writing of its recommendations.
(Prior Code, Ch. 2-3.04) (Ord. 938, passed 12-12-2014)