For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY PROPERTY. Any property owned in fee by the city or any easements, rights-of-way or other similar interests of the city in property.
   DEVELOPER. Any person who intends to develop any large tract of property inside the city.
   DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM. The city’s Development Review Team or its successor.
   PERSON. Any individual, corporation, partnership, firm or their legal entity, including the city.
   PLANNING DIRECTOR. The Planning Director of the city or his or her designee.
   PROPERTY. Any land or area within the corporate limits of the city which is subject to its regulatory authority.
   REMOVAL. Elimination, movement or taking away of any tree from its present location.
   SHRUB. A woody perennial plant smaller than a tree, usually having permanent stems branching from or near the ground.
   SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE. Any property located in a zone for which the principal use is detached single-family residential. Typically, this means the R1-7, RR, AR, ER and RMH Zones as shown on the city’s Zoning Map.
      (1)   A woody perennial plant which has a trunk circumference of 20 inches measured at 24 inches above the ground;
      (2)   A woody perennial plant at least 15 feet in height which usually, but not necessarily, has a single trunk; or
      (3)   References to TREE shall include the plural. The Planning Director or his or her designee shall have reasonable discretion to distinguish between a TREE and a “shrub” within the confines of the definitions found in this subchapter.
   TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE. A properly located in a zone for which, the principal use is two-family or duplex residential. Typically, this means the R-2 Zone as shown on the city’s Zoning Map.
   UNDESIRABLE TREE. Any tree species that is deemed to have or is proven to have a negative environmental impact on the community.
   UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY. Any property which:
      (1)   Is not improved with a primary building (for example, a dwelling unit or place of business); or
      (2)   Is improved with a primary building, but is of sufficient land area that it could be subdivided. Subdivision potential shall be based upon the minimum lot area requirement for the zone in which the property is located. (Refer to the city’s Zoning Ordinance for minimum lot areas in each zone.)
(Prior Code, § 7-4.02) (Ord. 843, passed - -2005)