(A)   All abatements shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the state.
   (B)   The company must agree to stay in the county twice as long as the length of their abatement. If this does not occur, the company is required to repay the abatement to the county.
   (C)   Term of abatement.
      (1)   The term of abatement shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Finance Committee of the County Board, pursuant to state law.
      (2)   Companies applying for a county tax abatement must demonstrate that they have initiated the abatement/incentive process with other local taxing bodies. Although the county requires that local incentives be formally agreed to prior to approval and execution of the county’s agreement of intent to abate property taxes, the county may, on a case-by-case basis, grant approval for a project notwithstanding the absence of the other local incentives. Final approval by the county would be granted after the company notified the county that an abatement or incentive was awarded by other taxing bodies. If the request for abatement or incentive from other taxing bodies is denied, the county shall review the abatement request, and, on a case-by-case basis, make a final determination.
   (D)   Abatements are prohibited for residential construction or improvements, pursuant to ILCS Ch. 35, Act 200 §§ 18-165 et seq.
   (E)   Abatements shall begin in the tax levy year that the project is substantially completed, and the subject property is fully assessed as improved property by the Township Assessor as indicated by the records of the Township Assessor. It shall be the obligation of the applicant to notify the County Executive and the county extension office when an occupancy permit has been issued for the improved premises which are the subject of the abatement.
   (F)   Taxes may be abated on existing facilities which are in the process of a retention/expansion project if the project qualifies under the CED evaluation criteria; existing businesses that have been located in the county for a minimum of five years will be given a 20% bonus in the point evaluation of the project. The facility will continue to operate in the county for a period of not less than twice the period of the abatement and must repay the abatement to the county if it fails to comply with this requirement.
   (G)   Businesses that qualify as county target industries will be given a 20% bonus in the point evaluation of the project; the United States corporate headquarters of a non-target industry category will be given a 20% bonus; however, the United States corporate headquarters of a target industry business will be given a 30% bonus in the point evaluation of the project.
   (H)   If the project is for a warehouse and distribution user only, the project must meet 120% of the minimum evaluation criteria to be eligible for abatement. In addition the project must employ a minimum of 125 FTE throughout the year.
   (I)   Residential projects are not eligible for abatements; however, multi-use projects with a residential component are eligible for abatement, if the residential tax portion of the tax levy can be excluded from the abatement.
   (J)   The application to county for tax abatement will include a request for information on the company’s philosophy on community involvement and specific examples of how they have given back to communities at other company facilities. Final evaluation of the abatement request and the terms and conditions of the abatement, at the discretion of the County Board may be influenced by the review of this information.
   (K)   There shall be employed, either directly or indirectly, at all times during construction covered by the agreement, a minimum of 75% local (county) labor at the prevailing wage from the county, for construction, from the beginning to the completion of the construction covered by the abatement, unless good cause is shown.
   (L)   Does the company have a plan or policies intended to promote growth and development of minority employment and minority/women business enterprises that have the work ethic and desire to succeed? If so, plans, policies and practices regarding this project should be cited.
   (M)   Require the contractor and all subcontractors to participate in apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or any successor entity, to the extent that the programs are reasonably available within the contractor’s or subcontractor’s employees’ trade or trades.
(1980 Code, § 157.10) (Res. 03-138, adopted 4-17-2003; Res. 09-113, adopted 4-16-2009)