(A)   The County Executive, with the advice and consent of the County Board shall designate an Ethics Advisor for the county. The Ethics Advisor may not be already an employee of the county and shall not be related, either by blood or by marriage up to the degree of first cousin, to any elected officer of the county. The Ethics Advisor shall be an independent contractor of the county, and the compensation for the Ethics Advisor shall be as set by the County Board.
   (B)   The Ethics Advisor shall provide guidance to the officers and employees of the county concerning the interpretation of and compliance with the provisions of this subchapter and state ethics laws for the future actions of any officer or employee. Should the Ethics Advisor become aware of any past violations of this subchapter, the Ethics Advisor shall inform the Ethics Commission of the violation. If the Ethics Commission does not exist, the Ethics Advisor shall inform the County State’s Attorney of the violation. The Ethics Advisor shall perform other duties as may be delegated by the County Board.
(1980 Code, § 32.53) (Ord. 04-168, passed 5-20-2004; Ord. 05-499, passed 11-17-2005)